Module 6 Having fun. 6A The fun starts here. 1. Translate the word combinations.. 2. Study the activities in ex. 1, p. 56 SB and make a list of preference, start with the activities you like best and finish the list with the activities you would never do.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Module 6 Having fun 6A The fun starts here 1. Translate the word combinations.
2. Study the activities in ex. 1, p. 56 SB and make a list of preference, start with the activities you like best and finish the list with the activities you would never do. Compare your list with the list of your deskmate. Explain your choice. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________________ 11. _______________________________________________________ 12. _______________________________________________________ 13. _______________________________________________________
3. Read the texts at p. 56, ex. 3 and say three things you would like to do in Tokyo Disneyland and things you would like to visit in Tobu World Square in Japan. Say why? Have you aver been to a theme park? Which attractions did you visit last time? Share your experience with your classmates.
4a. Write the past participle and Russian equivalent to the verbs below. Work in pairs: ask and answer any 10 verbs at p. GR10, SB.
4b. Make a story with the verbs in 4a. 5. Transform the sentences into Present perfect. Use appropriate adverbs of time. · I was in Turkey last summer. (several times) · ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ · She reads books every day. (already) · ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ · They traveled to Italy by boat. (never) · ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ · I had lunch at 13. 00 yesterday. (just) · ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ · We saw funny cartoon characters when we were in Paris Disneyland. (yet) · ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Name three things that you have never done and three things that you have recently done. 7. Translate the sentences into English. · Мы вернулись в Москву, потому что любим ее. · ___________________________________________________ · Появился новый учебник английского языка. · ___________________________________________________ · Марк зашел ко мне посмотреть на мой новый компьютер. · ___________________________________________________ · Когда вы встречаете в тексте новое слово – посмотрите его перевод в словаре. · ___________________________________________________ 8. Visit the official web side of Paris Disneyland www. disneylandparis. com and study the information. Then prepare a short report on: · what attraction you can visit there · what you can see there · who can go there · what you can eat there