VOLUNTEER. RESTORATION CAMP. www.fondar.rs. Gostuša Conservation Project, Serbia. *application deadline 30/6/2018Стр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒
VOLUNTEER RESTORATION CAMP “Adopt a Household in Gostuš a” 12/8 – 25/8/2018 www. fondar. rs Gostuš a Conservation Project, Serbia “Adopt a Household in Gostuš a” 12/8 – 25/8/2018 *application deadline 30/6/2018 It takes place in Gostuš avillage in Pirot district in Serbia. Gostuš a is situated 25km from Pirot and in the immediate vicinity of the lake Zavoj. Organize by Architect Aleksandar Radović Foundation in cooperation European Heritage Volunteers, within the framework of the EUROPEAN YEAR OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2018. Designed mainly for students and young professionals from the fields of architecture and civil engineering. Lecturers and trainers are architect-conservators, longtime associates of the Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation Niš, professors of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, and external associates of the Foundation. Language that will be used on camp is English. Participants will be selected according to an application form that needs to be send to the Foundation e-mail (fondar. nis@gmail. com) not later than 30/06/2018. Number of participants is limited. Selected participants will be provided with accommodation (apartments with kitchen and bathroom) and meals, as well equipment and material for planed work. Transportation cost to andfrom Pirot for selected participants are not covered by the organizers. Transportation from Pirot to Gostuš a, on arrival day (12/08/2018) and departure day (25/08/2018) is provided by the organizers. Meals during the Restoration camp are provided for selected participants by the organizers. Enrty fee for selected participants is 70 EUR. Exemption of fee will be provided for a number of DOMESTIC participants.