Pneumonia ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Pneumonia 1. Find the English equivalents of the given words. 1. острое воспаление лёгких 2. осложнение 3. выглядеть больным 4. учащенное дыхание 5. жаловаться на боль в груди 6. серьёзность заболевания 7. лечить антибиотиками 8. вылечивать постепенно
Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs. It may be caused by bacteria or viruses. It may follow a cold and bronchitis, or it may come on suddenly. It may also be a complication of measles or whooping cough (коклюш). The child looks ill, has fever, cough, and very rapid breathing. He may also complain of pain in the chest. A doctor should be consulted, and depending on the severity of disease the child may be treated at home or admitted to a hospital. If his breathing is very rapid, he may need oxygen. Doctors treat most pneumonias with antibiotics. Pneumonia can be dangerous in very young children, especially if it is due to an organism called staphylococcus. Viral pneumonia cures gradually. The child should stay in bed; have plenty of water and a highly nourishing diet.
2. Fill in the table using the text “Pneumonia”.