Influenza. Part IIСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
1. Review the words on the topics “Scarlet fever” and “Measles”. Translate into English. How many words do you know? Check yourself.
2. Match the words in the columns
Influenza Part I Influenza is a very infectious disease. The disease can be mild or severe. The symptoms of influenza are: high temperature, headache, general pains. In most cases the patient must stay in bed, be warm, drink much water. The patient must stay in bed until the temperature is normal and for the next two or three days he may be up for only short periods. After influenza patients feel weak and often depressed.
Part II A 40-year old man came home from his work. In the evening he felt bad and cold. Next morning his wife called in a doctor. The doctor examined the man and found all the symptoms of influenza. The man complained of pains in the head, back, eyes, limbs and joints. His temperature was 38. 5°C (thirty-eight point five). He was hoarse and had a bad cough. He often sneezed. The doctor prescribed some medicine to the man and told him to keep in bed for some days. The man took the medicine regularly and stayed in bed. In a few days the temperature became normal, there was no pain in the limbs and joints but he remained hoarse for several days. In two weeks he was well again and went to work. Words: 1. mild – легкий 2. severe – тяжелый 3. depressed – подавленный 4. joints – сустав 5. to be hoarse – охрипнуть 1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы: Infl_ enza, m _ ld, sev _ re, p _ tient, _ ains, wea _, _ epressed, j _ int, sn__ ze.
2. Скажите по-английски: Инфекционные болезни, тяжёлый случай, боли во всём теле, оставаться в постели, чувствовать себя слабым и подавленным
3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1) What are the symptoms of influenza? 2) How long must the patient stay in bed? 3) How does the patient feel after influenza? 4. Выпишите из 2 текста симптомы болезни молодого человека.
5. На основании следующей клинической картины определите, чем болел пациент. A student felt a bad headache and cold. He complained of pains in the head, back, eyes, limbs and joints. He was hoarse. He often sneezed and coughed. His temperature was very high.
6. What would you say if you took part in the dialogue? Choose the best variant from the given ones.
a. Good bye, doctor b. Do, please. (да, пожалуйста) c. I have got a headache and general pains d. How long will it take me to get well? e. Thank you, doctor. I will follow your administrations f. Good day, doctor. I feel bad. g. I must get back to my studies. What must I do? § Good day. How do you feel? § …………………………. § What’s the matter? § …………………………. § I see. Let me examine you. I’ll listen to your heart and lungs, take your temperature. § …………………………. § You have a high temperature. I think you are ill with flu. § …………………………. § About four or five days. § …………………………. § Here is my prescription for you. Take these tablets three times a day after meals. Stay in bed, have much drink and warm applications to the chest. § ………………………… § I think you will be all right after some days. § ………………………... § Goodbye. Get well.
7. Say in English
1. Что случилось? 2. Позвольте мне осмотреть Вас. 3. Я измерю Вашу температуру. 4. Я думаю, что вы больны гриппом. 5. Вот мой рецепт для Вас. 6. Принимайте эти таблетки три раза в день после еды. 7. Прикладывайте теплые компрессы на грудь. 8. Выздоравливайте. 9. Я плохо себя чувствую. 10. У меня общие боли. 11. Я буду соблюдать Ваши назначения.