Concertando una Cita con un Viejo Amigo
Extracto de la Unidad 23 Concertando una Cita con un Viejo Amigo A Hi, Mario. 11'5 great to see you again. I wanted to ask you about the exercise class given on Mondays. B Oh, hi, Helen. I have to run to the bank. It closes at three o'clock, so I'm in a bit of a rush.
A This will only take a minute. I just want to know if the Monday class is filled or I could still register for it. B As a matter of fact, I would be very happy to have you attend this class. Eight people have signed for it, so we still have space for two more students. Would you like to enroll now?
A Yes, I really would like that. Should I come to class this Monday? B Absolutely. The class begins at 7 o'clock sharp. Don't forget to wear your tennis shoes and exercise clothes.
A I won't forget them. Thank you for taking the time with me. B Not at al!. 1'11 see you on Monday at 7 o'clock. A I'm looking forward to it. Variantes y Combinaciones the class is filled or if I could still register for it so we have space don't forget to bring your tennis shoes