Abriendo una Nueva Cuenta Bancaria
Extracto de la Unidad 17 Abriendo una Nueva Cuenta Bancaria A Good afternoon. I wish to open an account, please. B Yes, sir. Would you step this way? The next available assistant will help you. A Thank you.
C Good afternoon, how can I assist you? A I'd like to open an account. C 1'11 need you to fill in this form, please. What kind of account would you like? Checking or a savings account?
A Well, I need a checking account, and would you tell me how lean get an ATM card? C Well, sir, you'll automatically receive an ATM card with your new checking account.
A I see, thank you. C Please fill in the form with your full name, address, phone number and social security number, plus your initial deposit amount.
AFine, OK. C Do you want your address and telephone number on your checks? A Yes, I think so.
C So that's apartment 6-U, 1143 Acacia Boulevard, spelled A-C -A-C -I-A. 15 that correct? A That's correct.
Variantes y Combinaciones. Automated Teller Machine (ATM)