<question>Find the right variant: The weather was .< question> Find the right variant: The weather was.... < variant> bad < variant> badly < variant> nicely < variant> brightly < variant> well < question> Choose the correct word: I cook my lunch in the…. < variant> kitchen < variant> corridor < variant> bathroom < variant> sitting-room < variant> lavatory < question> Choose the correct word: January 25 is the birthday of great Scotland's … Robert Burns. < variant> poet < variant> doctor < variant> philosopher < variant> engineer < variant> architect < question> Fill in a suitable word: Among the most popular kinds of …are basketball, football, hockey, etc. < variant> sport < variant> book < variant> concert < variant> paper < variant> movie < question> Find the right variant: I'm looking for... job. < variant> a < variant> these < variant> of < variant> an < variant> - < question> Complete the sentence: The students... at the English laboratory now. < variant> are listening < variant> will listen < variant> listens < variant> listen < variant> is listening < question> Write the sentence in passive: They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. < variant> I was asked some difficu l t questions at the interview. < variant> I am asked some difficult questions at the interview. < variant> I were asked some difficult questions at the interview. < variant> I asked some difficult questions at the interview. < variant> I am being asked some difficult questions at the interview. < question> Choose the correct variant: You... take any book you like. < variant> may < variant> should < variant> have to < variant> can < variant> must