


Случайная статья

<question>Give the right answer: forty + forty-eight = ?

< question> Give the right answer: forty + forty-eight =?

< variant> eighty-eight

< variant> twenty

< variant> sixty

< variant> ten

< variant> six

< question> Choose the right variant: If you don't know how to spell a word, look it … in the dictionary.

< variant> up

< variant> out

< variant> on

< variant> after

< variant> for

< question> Find the right variant: Nobody knew where he... .

< variant> lived

< variant> will live

< variant> live

< variant> lives

< variant> living

< question> Choose the right form of the verb: What would you do if you... here all the time, aswe do.

< variant> lived

< variant> lives

< variant> is live

< variant> was live

< variant> living

< question> Fill the gap: The territory of Kazakhstan stretches... km from north to south.

< variant> 1680

< variant> 1200

< variant> 2890

< variant> 1600

< variant> 1700

< question> Fill the gap with the correct answer: My friend likes to eat... .

< variant> fish

< variant> the fish

< variant> a fishes

< variant> this fish

< variant> a fish

< question> Find the right variant: I... already... my breakfast.

< variant> have/eaten

< variant> has/eaten

< variant> eating/done

< variant> am/eaten

< variant> shall/eaten

< question> Complete the sentence: I used to have a bicycle but it ….

< variant> got stolen

< variant> are stolen

< variant> stolen

< variant> steals

< variant> get stolen

< question> Ask about the telephone in passive voice using the given words: When/ invent?

< variant> When was the te l ephone invented?

< variant> When is the telephone invented?

< variant> When has the telephone invented?

< variant> When did the telephone invented?

< variant> When are the telephone invented


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