<question>Choose the correct answer. If the chairman … ill, the meeting wouldn't have been cancelled.< question> Choose the correct answer. If the chairman … ill, the meeting wouldn't have been cancelled. < variant> hadn't been < variant> wouldn't have been < variant> wasn't < variant> won't be < variant> wouldn't be < question> Choose the right answer. " Is Kate … teacher? " " No, she is … doctor? " < variant> A\A < variant> The\ An < variant> An\ The < variant> The\ A < variant> An\ An < question> Find the right form of " closed" < variant> Participle II < variant> Participle I < variant> Indefinite Infinitive Active < variant> Gerund < variant> Infinitive Passive. < question> Complete the sentence: Her correspondence... every day. < variant> Is read. < variant> Reads with. < variant> Was read with. < variant> Is reading. < variant> Will be read of. < question> Find the right variant: I opened the fridge. There... much food there. < variant> was < variant> are < variant> were < variant> be < variant> been < question> Find the right variant: There... many pictures on the wall. < variant> Are. < variant> Is. < variant> Do. < variant> Was. < variant> Am. < question> Fill in the gap with the right verb in the passive voice: There's no need to leave a tip. Service … in the bill. < variant> is inc l uded < variant> doesn't include < variant> includes < variant> include < variant> was included < question> Define part of the speech of underlined word: We missed our interesting lessons. < variant> adject i ve < variant> pronoun < variant> noun < variant> verb < variant> adverb