<question>Complete the sentence: I don't work particularly hard. Most people work as hard … .< question> Complete the sentence: I don't work particularly hard. Most people work as hard …. < variant> as me < variant> than mine < variant> as me as < variant> than me < variant> as not as me < question> Choose the correct article: What... awful weather we are having today: < variant> an. < variant> the. < variant> a. < variant> any. < variant> -. < question> Write a passive sentence: They cancelled all flights because of fog. < variant> All flights were cancelled because of fog < variant> All flights are cancelled because of fog < variant> All flights was cancelled because of fog < variant> They are canceling all flights because of fog < variant> All flights are being cancelled because of fog < question> Write the sentence using modal verb: Perhaps she doesn't want to see me. < variant> She mightn't want to see me < variant> She doesn't need to want to see me < variant> She isn't able to want to see me < variant> She can't want to see me < variant> She must not want to see me < question> Fill the gap: Did you hear about the party at Kate's last night? - No, I didn't. … of my friends … there. < variant> none, was < variant> nobody, were < variant> no, were < variant> any, be < variant> nobody, was < question> Choose the right variant: How do you say the sum " $63 million"? < variant> Sixty-three million dollars. < variant> Sixty and three millions dollars. < variant> Dollars sixties-three millions. < variant> Dollars sixty-three million. < variant> Sixty-tree millions dollars. < question> Choose the right variant: This term I decided to work … than I used to. < variant> Harder. < variant> The hardly. < variant> Hardly. < variant> Hardlier. < variant> Hardliest.