


Случайная статья

<question>Find the right variant: Mother didn't let the child. TV.

< question> Find the right variant: Mother didn't let the child... TV.

< variant> watch

< variant> watched

< variant> watching

< variant> watch

< variant> watches

< question> Choose the correct answer: We can’t use the car because it... .

< variant> Is mended

< variant> Hasn't mended

< variant> Are bating mended

< variant> Are mended

< variant> Is being mended

< question> Choose the right variant: Take care…the child! Do not allow him to go to the pond alone.

< variant> Of.

< variant> To.

< variant> For

< variant> In.

< variant> At.

< question> Choose the correct answer: When I came home my parents....

< variant> Were watching TV

< variant> Watched TV

< variant> Are watching TV

< variant> Watch TV

< variant> Will watch TV

< question> Choose the right form of the verb: If the North Sea... in winter, you could walk from London to Oslo.

< variant> froze

< variant> are

< variant> is

< variant> was

< variant> were

< question> Make the right choice: ... doesn't flow through the territory of Kazakhstan.

< variant> The Volga.

< variant> The Ural.

< variant> The Irtysh.

< variant> The Ili.

< variant> The Syrdarya.

< question> Fill in a suitable word: In the American higher education system credits for < variant> the academic work are…. among universities.

< variant> transferable

< variant> ignored

< variant> neglected

< variant> the best

< variant> the worst

< question> Choose the article, if it is necessary. …dinner continued in…. silence.

< variant> The\-

< variant> The\ That

< variant> The\ An

< variant> An\ The

< variant> An\-

< question> Choose Present Perfect Continuous:

< variant> I've been talking to Tom about your problem for two hours.

< variant> He has already started his work.

< variant> I've lost my key.

< variant> Don't forget to post that letter.

< variant> Jim has gone to Canada.


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