<question>Find the right variant: Nick knows English .< question> Find the right variant: Nick knows English... < variant> Well. < variant> Best. < variant> More well. < variant> Most well. < variant> Good. < question> Choose the correct answer: What __ they_____ about when I came in? < variant> Were/speaking < variant> Are/speaking < variant> Will speak < variant> Do/speak < variant> Did/speak < question> Find the right variant: I (to work) at the Ministry when I graduate from the University: < variant> Shall work. < variant> Will be work. < variant> Worked. < variant> Work. < variant> Shall to work. < question> Choose the right variant. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan now?: < variant> 14. < variant> 20. < variant> 17. < variant> 19. < variant> 25. < question> Choose the answer with the definite articles: … other great rivers belong to … tropical Africa: Niger in … north, Congaing in … west. < variant> The\ The\ The\ The < variant> A\ -\ -\ A\ - < variant> A A\ -\ A\ A < variant> A\ A\ A\ A\ A < variant> -\-\-\-\- < question> Choose the right variant: Janet was out of breath because.... < variant> She'd been running. < variant> She has run. < variant> She did run. < variant> She's been running. < variant> She's run. < question> Choose the correct variant. A whistle... if there is an emergency.: < variant> Will be blown. < variant> would be blown. < variant> would blown. < variant> will be being blown < variant> will blown < question> Choose the best alternative. This is an easy test, ...? < variant> isn’t it < variant> wasn't it < variant> aren't they < variant> is it < variant> yes, it is