<question>Complete the sentence:The exercises . by him yesterday.< question> Complete the sentence: The exercises... by him yesterday. < variant> Were done. < variant> Do. < variant> Are done. < variant> Done. < variant> Is done. < question> Find the right variant: You … go there today: < variant> Needn't. < variant> Been. < variant> Have. < variant> Has. < variant> Are. < question> Choose the right pronoun: That girl has a blue Sweater. ... is a good girl. < variant> She < variant> You < variant> They < variant> I < variant> My < question> Choose the right variant of the year nineteen fifty-seven. < variant> 1957 < variant> 1959 < variant> 1955 < variant> 1975 < variant> 1956 < question> Choose the right variant: The year " 1917". < variant> Nineteen seventeen. < variant> One thousand and seventeen. < variant> One thousand nine hundred seventeen. < variant> One thousand nine hundred and seventeen. < variant> One thousand nine hundreds and seventeen. < question> Identify the part of speech of the word underlined. The plane flew round theaerodrome: < variant> Adverb. < variant> Interjection. < variant> Preposition. < variant> Noun. < variant> Verb. < question> Choose the correct answer. I haven't got any money. Never mind … some from the bank. < variant> I'm going to get < variant> I'll get < variant> I'd get < variant> I'm getting < variant> I get < question> Choose the correct variant. A swimming pool is a place... you can swim.: < variant> where < variant> which < variant> whom < variant> when < variant> who < question> What would you say of a person if you believe in his possible guilt? < variant> He is guilty < variant> He is suspicious < variant> He is trustworthy < variant> He is above suspicion < variant> He is reliable