Children’s surgery Osteomyletis in children RAMAR SOLAIMUTHU COURSE -5 GROUP -45
Osteomyelitis, or inflammation of the bone, is usually caused by bacterial infection. Bone infections in children are primarily hematogenous in origin, although cases secondary to penetrating trauma, surgery, or infection in a contiguous site are also reported. Clinical suspicion is always helpful to obtaining a correct diagnosis. Signs and symptoms Long bones, including the femur, tibia, and humerus, are typically affected. Bacteria can infect bones in a few ways. For instance:
The doctor will do a physical exam and ask questions about recent injuries to the painful area. Blood tests can check for an increased white blood cell count (a sign of infection) and other signs of possible inflammation or infection. An X-ray may be ordered although X-rays don't always show signs of infection in a bone in the early stages. The doctor may do a needle aspiration to get a sample from the bone. This lets the doctor find out which bacteria caused the infection. It also can help the doctor decide which antibiotic would best treat the infection.