2. Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't Быть могущественной – это тоже самое, что быть женщиной. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 2. Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't Быть могущественной – это тоже самое, что быть женщиной. Если ты должна доказывать, что это так, значит на самом деле это не так. To be a lady as well to be powerful is an absolute thing. When you’re a lady it’s obvious for other people and you don’t have to remind people about this. Our character, appearance etc. show that you’re a lady. You cannot be a lady on half. The same thing is with power: or you’re powerful and everybody know that, or you’re not. 3. You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it Возможно тебе придется сражаться не раз, чтобы победить. Here we can start with her political career. She was the Leader of the Opposition from 1975 to 1979, the only woman to hold the latter post permanently. She won three successive general elections as party leader, the only British politician to do so in the 20th century. However, although she had strong support from the largest minority of voters for most of her tenure she eventually resigned after failing to win outright a leadership election triggered by opponents within her own party, and was replaced by John Major in 1990. So Thatcher practiced her quotation on her skin. Her way to power wasn’t so easy and so fast. Before becoming a prime-minister, she lost her first parliamentary elections. The main idea is that we should struggle for success, for victory, for dream. Not always the victory is such an easy thing. We can fail once, but it doesn't exclude that we can be successful next time.