1. Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophyСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Margaret Thatcher was a British politician and a former chemist. She was the leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom throughout the 1980s and has been the only woman to hold either post. Undoubtedly she is one of the most significant British politicians in recent political history. She is an elder stateswoman of the Conservative Party and the figurehead of a political philosophy that became known as Thatcherism, which involves reduced public spending, lower direct taxation, de-regulation, a monetarist policy, and a programme of privatization of government-owned industries. Even before coming to power she was nicknamed the " Iron Lady" in Soviet media. In foreign relations, she maintained the " special relationship" with the United States, and formed a close bond with Ronald Reagan. In 1982 her government dispatched a Royal Navy task force to retake the Falkland Islands from Argentina in the Falklands War. Margaret Thatcher and her policies were, and remain, highly controversial and polarising. In 1992 she was created Baroness Thatcher, and since then her direct political work has been as head of the Thatcher Foundation.
Quotations by Thatcher: 1. Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy Европа создавалась историей, а Америка – философией As we know the USA is a relatively young state, especially in comparison with Europe, which was created during centuries. It was created by Europeans, who left the Old Continent with great “luggage” of the philosophic and religious ideas. First people who went to settle down in New England (America) were puritans (protestants who wanted to clean the Anglican church from the influence of Catholic Church). That was happening in the 17th century (after the discovery of America) during the persecution of puritans in Great Britain. Also the aspiration for independence was provoked by the penetration to America (from Europe) of the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment. These ideas are freedom, equality, brotherhood (in Europe); freedom, equality, property, democracy (in America). Main European figures of the Age of Enlightenment are: Russo, Didro, Montesque. American ones: Jefferson, Franklin, Thomas Pain. They created the text of the Declaration of Independence. To conclude, we should say that Europe was passed through its natural development with many mistakes and difficulties, and America grew on the European philosophy and took into account the European experience. I suppose that Thatcher wanted to remind the Americans their special connection with Europe, because Thatcher is known for her “special relationship” with America and R. Reagan.