DECLARATION. I hereby declare that I am aware of the fight rules, as well as valid competition regulations. Fully and without any objections, I release the organizers of the Tournament, referees, instructors, trainers, employees, representatives, members, ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 DECLARATION I hereby declare that I am aware of the fight rules, as well as valid competition regulations. Fully and without any objections, I release the organizers of the Tournament, referees, instructors, trainers, employees, representatives, members, as well as authorized and invited guests from any legal responsibility connected with the accident that might occur during the Tournament including me as the victim or the cause. Moreover, I hereby declare that I possess a current, valid medical record which confirms my good state of health. I agree that all submitted images of my persona, including their alterations created by any means, as well as those created during the Tournament can be used freely during the Tournament for such aims as advertisement, promotion, video clips, tv, cable tv, training materials and audio, image and information media and I hereby resign from any financial gratification due to above. I also resign from any legal claims that I might have concerning the breach of privacy, libel or any other reasons due to production, distribution, broadcast or any public exposition of my image connected with the Tournament.
The hereby declaration is not a subject to any spoken alterations.