We will be delighted to welcome you during our
A. C. S. SoimiiBucuresti
Ms. / Mr. President,
We will be delighted to welcome you during our 4th Mini-Rugby Festival " Mitrea Cristache", Saturday 04 and Sunday 05 April 2020, at the Grivita stadium in Bucharest
Each year, this festival is held under the sign of friendliness and respect to allow children (and educators) to fully enjoy the day. Last year, our team of more than 100 volunteers served 300 children, parents and caregivers, more than 1, 000 people.
We also specify that all competitions are held on one site.
If you wish to participate, we will wait your confirmation by answer at this invitation and by returning the registration form below to inform us in which categories you register. Since registrations are limited, priority will be given to clubs with the most categories and who have responded as soon as possible. We are at your disposal for any clarification on our email address: acssoimiibucuresti@gmail. com or danielmitrea@yahoo. com.
For the Soimii team of volunteers
The tournament manager Daniel MITREA
Programme of the Mitrea Cristache Festival: Friday (03rd of April) after-noon: Reception of teams having chosen the accommodation option on Friday and Saturday evening Saturday (04 April) morning: Reception of teams at the stadium from 8am Start of the tournament: 9: 30. Games in pool Saturday (04 April) afternoon: visit of Bucharest. Sunday (05th of April) morning: Reception of teams at the stadium from 8am Tournament start: 9. 30 am –Classification games