Friendship. BFF (best friends forever). More casual friendshipsСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Friendship BFF (best friends forever) best mate = your best friend. a good friend = someone in your “inner circle” of friends. to be really close to someone = be good friends with pal = friend (UK slang) buddy (best buddy) = friend (mainly US English) to go back years = to know someone for a long time: “Steve and I go back years. ” an old friend = a friend you’ve known for a long time: “He’s an old friend of Dave’s. ” a friend of the family / a family friend = someone close to your family: “John was an old family friend. ” a trusted friend = someone you can trust a childhood friend = a friend from when you were very young a circle of friends = all the friends in your group: “She’s got a great circle of friends. ” be just good friends = when you want to say you’re only friends with someone: “We’re not going out. We’re just good friends, that’s all. ”
More casual friendships penpal / epal = someone you know from corresponding / writing: “Find a penpal on our Penpals forum! ” someone you know from work (or another interest group): “Andy? Oh, he’s someone I know from work. ” someone you know to pass the time of day with = someone you know to say “hello” to. casual acquaintance = someone you don’t know very well: “She’s just a casual acquaintance of mine. ” a friend of a friend = someone you only know because they’re a friend of one of your friends. “Dave’s a friend of a friend. ” a mutual friend = someone that two people know: “Karen’s a mutual friend of both me and Rachel. ”
Mates classmate = someone in your class at school. workmate = someone you work with flatmate (UK English) roommate (US English) = someone you share a flat or house with soul mate = someone you’re very close to because you share the same opinions and beliefs