The Time Interval between Hair Transplant and Result ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 The Time Interval between Hair Transplant and Result It is good for you to know when the result of your hair transplant will be seen to avoid unnecessary anxieties and question on whether the hair transplant would yield the expected result or not. The time of result varies from patient to patient, some see good results within six months while some do after nine months while some others may take up to a year. The hair does not grow out magically after the hair transplant, you would lose some of the grafted hair after an average of 6 months from the time the surgery was done. Some patients tend to freak out once they notice this, but it is important for you to know that it is an expected occurrence. The credibility of wherever you would have your hair transplant is highly pivotal to the result you would get so; you should ensure that you get the service of only recognized and legitimate hair transplant specialists like ours. Our services are top-notch and very pocket friendly. You can restore the beauty of your hair and your self-confidence by hiring our service today. We know and understand the relevance of your hair look to how you feel about yourself. For more information please visit www. thehairfront. com