1. European Parliament. Where is it based?. How is the Parliament’s work organized?1. European Parliament · Is the legislative and representative body of The EU, elected directly by citizens of The UE members.
Where is it based? - Brusseles (Belgium), - Luxembourg and Strasbourg (France). 3 main goals: 1. Passing European Law (with the Council): The most common procedure is ‘co-decisions’. In some fields (economic policy, agriculture, visas and immigration) the Council alone legislates, but it has to consult with The Parliament. Parliament’s assent is required for certain important issues (i. e. allowing new countries to join in the UE). 2. Exercising democratic supervision over other institutions of the EU. It possesses the power to approve or reject the nomination of the commissioners, and it has the right to censure the Commission as a whole. EP exercises control by the reports of the Commission and the petitions from citizens. 3. The power of the purse. It shares with the Council authority over the EU budget. EP debates it in 2 successive readings and the budget doesn’t come into force without agreement of the President of the EU. How is the Parliament’s work organized? 1. This is done by MEPs of various parliamentary committees. 2. EP examines proposed legislation and vote on amendments before coming to a decision on the text as a whole.