14. Read the text and answer the given questions.
Notes. To survive – уцелеть solid – твердый, прочный Remains – остатки network – сеть, сетка Hydration – гидратация skyscraper - небоскреб To cause – быть причиной, заставлять safety - безопасность 14. Read the text and answer the given questions. 1) Is plain concrete a new material? 2) What was concrete made of, when cement was not known? 3) How is concrete made? 4) What building demonstrated for the first time the safety and economy of 15. Give a short summery of the text using the models. 1) The text is about... 2) The first part of the text is devoted to... 3) Further, the author describes... 4) It is pointed out that... 5) The author tells that... 6) The text also discusses... 16. Answer the questions: 1) What is concrete? 2) Plain concrete dates from very early days, doesn't it? 3) What is the most important quality of concrete? 4) What are the most important requirements for concrete? 5) What types of concrete are used in construction? 6) What is reinforced concrete? 7) When was reinforced concrete introduced into engineering practice? 9) What can plain concrete be used for? 10) What aggregates are dense concretes composed of? 11) Does cellular concrete contain a large number of small voids?
12) What is gas concrete? 13) Where is in-situ concrete made? 14) What is cement replaced by in alkali-slag concrete? 15) What is it used for? 16) What properties has silica concrete?