8. TRANSPORTATIONСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
School Code: 331 Course Code: 011-18F40 Course Duration: 14 Weeks
1. PURPOSE: Provide USSOCOM units with the information necessary to prepare students for the Special Forces Intelligence Sergeants Course (SFISC).
2. SCOPE: This memorandum covers the administrative requirements for the SFISC. This document is UNCLASSIFIED. The term SFISC is used in this memorandum describes the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) course 18F and all cadres assigned to the course. This information facilitates the proper preparation of the individual, prerequisites, and orders for attendance to the course.
3. GENERAL: The 18F detachment, C 6/2 SWTG(A) operates the SFISC IOT train current Special Forces Soldiers to serve as detachment Assistant Operations and Intelligence Sergeants (MOS 18F). Additionally, the SFISC provides technical assistance to all current 18Fs.
4. COURSE INFORMATION: SFISC is a classified course of instruction based at Fort Bragg, NC. The course is 14 weeks long. Each course has a maximum/optimum class size of 47/47 and minimum class size of 10.
a. All Students will report to the west entrance of Kennedy Hall in vicinity of the Kennedy-Yarborough Statue NLT 0800 hours on the report date. There will be no time to go back to your vehicle, so ensure you have ID/CAC card, SIPR Token, and all required documentation. Failure to report on time will result in a non-academic drop from the course and your slot will be given to a standby student. Leave your cell phones and other electronic devices in your car.
b. Students must have all their affairs in order prior to in-processing. No time will be available during the duty day to perform other non-course activities. Students missing more than eight hours of class instruction will be subject to an Academic Review Board and possible non-academic drop from the course. Students will not be excused from any class of instruction without prior approval from the SFISC Chain-of-Command.
c. Reporting uniform is the Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU), required to conduct height/weight measurements and, as necessary, tape tests (AR 600-9). Students will meet or exceed all grooming standards within AR 670-1 and maintain a clean and neat appearance at all times. Please see the recommended Packing List in the Enclosures section at the end of this welcome letter.
d. Students are required to wear MCU/OCP’s for daily duty while attending the course. Civilian clothing will be worn for select training while at Fort Bragg for approximately 2-3 days. Civilian clothing, consisting of business and business casual, is the primary uniform while training in the National Capital Region (NCR). Students must bring sufficient clothing for the two weeks of training in the NCR.
e. Any student requesting relaxed grooming standards must submit a request through their Group Commander to the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) G3 at least 30 days prior to the requirement for relaxed grooming standards (IAW 1stSFC (A) Policy 19-08). Soldiers on relaxed grooming standards will wear business casual as their duty uniform.
6. AIRBORNE OPERATIONS: It is recommended that all efforts should be made to allow the Soldier to jump forward before he departs and jump back when he returns. This can cover him for a 6-month period. There will be no authorized airborne operations during training. 7. BILLETING/ MEALS:
a. Fort Bragg: All Active Duty and National Guard students are required to reserve their own billeting for the duration of the Fort Bragg module. Government quarters are available on a first reservation, first quartered basis. The cost of government quarters is $81. 75 per day (as of 1 October 2019). Reservations may be made by calling IHG Hotel Services at DSN 236-9510/9574/7700 or commercial (910) 396-7700. Students unable to acquire on-post billeting can reserve off-post facilities in the surrounding area at a distance of 5 to 20 miles from training locations.
b. For National Guard Students, requirements to stay at on-post quarters, per diem entitlements, and any other authorizations are the responsibility of your unit. The SFISC does not coordinate for National Guard Student’s lodging or meals. If a National Guard Student chooses to stay at On-Post IHG billeting, the cost will be incurred through that Student’s respective state their unit is located in via centrally billed account (CBA). If you elect to stay off post in a commercial establishment you will need to coordinate through your approving official to utilize either your own Individual billed account (IBA) or a CBA.
c. National Capitol Region (NCR): There are 10 days of training that will be conducted in the NCR. Students will not be authorized to make their own lodging arrangements; hotel reservations for all students (Active Duty and National Guard) will be made by the SFISC cadre. While the SFISC coordinates for lodging arrangements in the NCR, all students, to include National Guard Students, are required to utilize their IBA to pay for the cost of lodging while in the NCR.
a. Students who are arriving from locations other than Fort Bragg and are flying are advised to fly into Fayetteville Regional Airport (FAY) or Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). Fort Bragg is located approximately 10 miles from FAY and 56 miles from RDU. Students will be required to acquire their rental car from the airport.
b. Rental Vehicles: Daily student transportation to-and-from lodging to daily SFISC training sites during the Fort Bragg module is unavailable. Students will be required to provide their own means of transportation. Due to the location of quarters and unavailability of mess facilities, the cost of commercial taxis can easily exceed the cost of a rental vehicle. All rental vehicles must be procured IAW DTS policies and procedures as authorized on individual travel orders.
c. Note: Sending commands should support rental cars for those who must fly. As a result of training requirements and classroom size, classes are divided at times into 2-3 groups at various points during instruction. There is no guarantee that training schedules will always align. As such, it is recommended that rental vehicles be procured per individual. In-and-around mileage for resident service school students who travel by POV should be authorized 15 miles per day if quartered on-post, 25 miles per day if quartered off-post.