Sample answer. Marking criteria ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Sample answer In the photo on the left we can see a group of friends who are having a fun time. They are playing touch rugby. Perhaps they’re friends from school because they all look the same age. They’re wearing light clothes so perhaps it’s summer. There are trees in the background and they are playing on grass, so they could be in a park. I love sports, so this is the activity I prefer. In this photo on the right we can see a group of people. Perhaps they’re friends or perhaps they’re flatmates. It might be a Sunday because they’re all relaxing together. It looks like they're in the living room of their home. It's probably summer because they're wearing light clothes and there are glasses of juice on the table. The man on the left and the girl on the right are texting on their phones. The other girl is doing something on a tablet and the other man is using a laptop.
Marking criteria Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 10. 9–10 Full contribution. Basic and some complex structures, accurate and well-organised. Pronunciation mostly clear. 7–8 Adequate contribution. Basic and some complex structures, generally accurate and well-organised. Pronunciation mostly clear. 5–6 Adequate contribution. Basic structures, generally accurate and some organisation. Pronunciation mostly clear. 3–4 Limited contribution. Basic structures, often inaccurate but some organisation. Pronunciation mostly clear. 1–2 Very limited contribution. Basic structures, mostly inaccurate and little organisation. Pronunciation not always clear. 0 Contribution too small or too incomprehensible to mark.