Because you walk before and crush the brier,Because you walk before and crush the brier, It does not pierce my feet so much tonight. рierce - пронзать Because so often you have hearkened to hearken - выслушивать My selfish prayers, I ask but one thing now, That these harsh hands of mine add not unto The crown of thorns upon your bleeding brow. Poem source by Pauline Johnson (“Tekahionwake”) OntarioMohawkpoet, 1861-1913 CherylLawrie “Good Friday” They call today Good Friday but what could make this day good? if you have ever believed that love inevitably leads to betrayal this day says it doesn’t. if you have ever believed that some people are unlovable, irredeemable this day says they aren’t. if you have ever believed that there is a limit to forgiveness this day says there isn’t. if you have ever believed you aren’t worth saving this day says you are. if you have ever believed that you don’t deserve freedom this day says you do. if you have ever believed that fear, anger, hate and despair will always win this day says it won’t. this day is good for you.
Emily Bronte “No Coward Soul is Mine”
No coward soul is mine coward -трусNo trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere trembler - трус I see Heaven’s glories shine And Faith shines equal arming me from Fear
O God within my breast Almighty ever-present Deity Life, that in me hath rest As I Undying Life, have power in thee
Vain are the thousand creeds creed - вероучения
To waken doubt in one Holding so fast by thy infinity So surely anchored on The steadfast rock of Immortality
With wide-embracing love Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates and rears rear - взращивать