For the fringes I cut 30cm strings, 8 strings through corners. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
Catona Flower Shawlby Atty van Norel The shawl measures 275x75 cm. You can by this wonderfull 100% mercerized cotton in lovely 25 gr balls Hook: 3, 5mm 91 flowers Yarn usage per flower: Centre of each flower (centre chain circle and round 1): 1, 5 meters
So this is how you crochet the flowers and how you join them. Take a look at the top picture, to see how I placed the flowers. Orlookatthissheme:
Now crochet around the shawl like this:
For the fringes I cut 30cm strings, 8 strings through corners.