Camp G.L.O.W. 2017: Camper ApplicationСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Camp G. L. O. W. 2017: Camper Application
Camp G. L. O. W. (Girls Leading Our World) is a week-long girl’s empowerment camp focusing on leadership for Ukrainian girls, ages 14-18. The camp will facilitate discussions on topics such as: gender equality, diversity, women's health, and healthy relationships, while promoting self-empowerment activities and life skills training. Additionally, campers will be able to foster cross-country friendships and collaborate on small project opportunities both during and after Camp G. L. O. W.
The main objectives are to educate and raise awareness of gender issues in Ukraine, particularly those facing youth. The week-long program includes lessons, discussion sessions, team-building activities, and fun excursions designed to foster a sense of unity and empowerment. G. L. O. W. Logistics The camps will take place on July 8-15, in Rivnenska Oblast; and July 28-August 4, in Cherkaska Oblast. There will be a 300 hryvnia fee for attendees of Camp G. L. O. W. in Rivnenska Oblast, and a 300 hryvnia fee for attendees of Camp G. L. O. W. in Cherkaska Oblast which will cover meals, board, transportation, activities, and T-shirts. Financial assistance will be available for those who are unable to afford this fee.
Camper applications are due on Friday, April 14th. Campers are selected for their leadership potential, open-mindedness, and maturity, rather than their level of English, since we prioritize the development of young leaders. Following participation in Camp G. L. O. W., campers are encouraged to give a presentation or hold an event in their own communities or schools, highlighting one of the topics covered during the camp. Application Essay Questions: 1. Why do you want to be a participant of Camp G. L. O. W.? (Please provide details! ) * 2. What are your expectations of Camp G. L. O. W.? * 3. Please tell us about any special experience, talents, hobbies or activities that you have. We want to know about you! 4. If you could have tea with three women in history, who would they be and why? What would you ask them?