Read the text and say if the things happen in picture 1, 2 or in both. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Read the text and say if the things happen in picture 1, 2 or in both.
1. It's night. ( ) 2. There are mountains. ( ) 3. The sun is shining. ( ) 4. Three fishare swimming in the water. ( ) 5. The three children have a dog. ( ) 6. The children are camping. ( ) 7. There is a forest. ( ) 8. The children are near a village. ( ) 9. There are more boys than girls. ( ) 10. There are stars in the sky. ( ) 11. There is some snow on the mountains. ()
12. There are clouds in the
13. The children are wearing a uniform. ( ) 14. A boy is wearing a warm hat. ( ) 15. The children are sitting. ( ) 16. There is an owl sitting on the tree. ( ) 17. The boy is carrying a backpack. ( ) 18. The frog is green. ( ) 19. A path leads into the forest. ( ) 20. The kids are happy. ( )