4. Conclusions. Acknowledgements.. References ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 4. Conclusions As can be seen from the results of this study, the complete purification of pumped out pit waters as a result of filtration through the bog massif does not occur. At the same time, the discharge of bog (actually drainage) waters enriched with 40K, 226Ra, and 232Thinto the channel of the Zolotitsa River occurs over a fairly wide area, about 3 km long, which can be seen from the radionuclides found in the bottom sediments. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the nature of the increased 137Cs activity in bottom sediments in this area repeats the pattern of changes in 232Th and 226Ra. The technogenic isotope, 137Cs, formed in the course of nuclear tests in the atmosphere and accidents at nuclear power plants cannot be found in the drainage water, therefore, its presence in bottom sediments can be explained solely by washout from the earth's surface. During the discharge of drainage water into the bog, 137Cs, which is fixed in the upper layer of peat as a result of global fallout, is activated and it migrates from a large area of the bog massif and is unloaded into the channel of the Zolotitsa River together with 40K, 226Ra, and 232Th. Acknowledgements. The research was accomplished due to financial support provided by Russian Scientific Fund Grant No. 20-77-10057 «Diagnostics of permafrost degradation basing on isotope tracers (234U/238U, δ 18O+δ 2H, δ 13C+14C)», the project supervised by E. Yu. Yakovlev, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. References
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