The cultivation of team spirit ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8 The cultivation of team spirit The productivity level of your workers is attached to how well they can work together, and one way to facilitate that is the use of uniforms. Uniforms allow your workers to identify better with your organization, it promotes cordiality and a sense of unity. Jealousy, strive and unnecessary competitions related to outfits are pulled down, which might be difficult to achieve in the absence of uniforms. Employee security Some industries make the use of uniforms mandatory for their workers because their safety is dependent on it. Fire fighters for example, cannot choose to wear just anything to work, they have specially designed uniforms made of different components to protect them from the hazards associated with their job. Employees benefit Although some individuals see the use of uniforms as a deprivation of their uniqueness, some also see it as a relief because they do not have to bother about buying clothes with the right colours that suit their job descriptions. Conclusion There is no doubt that the use of uniforms is well debated, but the indispensable truth remains that there are many benefits associated with the use of uniforms at work, and these benefits are not just for the business owners but the workers as well.
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