ADCC EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2019ADCC EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2019 POZNAŃ POLAND 27thApril 2019 Address: LOSIR, Koł ł ą taja 2, 62-030 Luboń (Poznań ) Poland
WEIGHT CLASSES: Professional: Men: -65. 9kg, -76. 9kg, -87. 9kg, -98. 9kg and +99kg (no open division) Female: -60kg and +60kg (no open division) Masters: 65. 9kg, -76. 9kg, -87. 9kg, -98. 9kg and +99kg (no open division)
RULES: www. adcombat. com/adcc-rules-and-regulations PRIZES: Professional Men and Female weight classes winners get ticket to ADCC World Championship 2019 Every weight classes’ three best fighters get medals
REGISTRATION: Send name, country (must have nationality from Europe, Middle East or Africa - must prove on the day of registration with passport or ID for Poland athletes), academy, weight class and age division (adult or master) info@no-gi. pl
REGISTRATION FEE: Registration fee is 100 euro or 430 pln Payment has to be paid before the last registration date to bank account Message in the payment has to contain FIGHTERS NAME, TEAM and CATEGORY. Bank Account: Payment in EUR Mateusz Ł uckiewicz 19 1160 2202 0000 0003 2025 2461 IBAN: PL 19 1160 2202 0000 0003 2025 2461 SWIFT: BIGBPLPW Payment in PLN (only for polish people): Stowarzyszenie Sportó w i Sztuk Walki ALLIANCE ul. Omań kowskiej 93d/15 60-465 Poznań 26 1240 6595 1111 0000 5623 9502 Weight in: Weigh in 09. 00 at the competition arena on the day of the event The fights are scheduled to begin at 11. 30 The venue is open at 08. 00 on April27th for all competitors and coaches for registration process. Please bring your valid Passport or ID. ALL ATHLETES AND COACHES MUST BE ON TIME FOR REGISTRATION PROCESS! Don't be late! Attention: All athletes registered for this tournament must have a medical clearance certificate and health insurance for sports practice dated less than six months before the date of the competition, indicating no objections for participating in martial arts competitions.
An official obligatory rules meeting for all athletes and coaches will be held at 11: 00 on the center mat.
Referee seminar will be held on April26th at 16. 00 at Alliance Jiu Jitsu - Ś wię ty Marcin 58/64, Poznań info@no-gi. pl
Athletes must be present for weigh-in when the division is called. Athletes, who are overweight will be automatically disqualified and cannot compete.
No refund of competiton fees in any case of wrong registrations, not showing up for fight or being disqualified for overweight or not being at the registration and/or weigh-in or any other reasons. A list of competitors will be published on April15th on www. adcombat and ADCC Europe Facebook page. Please check, if you are listed and if you are in the right division.
April16th, 12. 00 p. m. (noon) is the final date for any changes in the lists. To change your division etc. please e-mail info@no-gi. pl No e-mail, sent later than the deadline will be considered.
Final Brackets will be published on April26th on thewww. adcombat and ADCC Europe Facebook page
Please check the Event Page on Facebook for up-to-date news and info. Event information: info@no-gi. pl
Organised by ADCC European Federation, ADCC Poland, Alliance Jiu Jitsu