(10)THE THREE SIGNS. (11)THOUGHTS. (12)LET”S SING THE PRAISES(10)THE THREE SIGNS Geraldine E. Lyster Dukkha, Anicca, Anatta The leaves are falling fast, The reign of the rose is ended, The sky is overcast. The whole world is filled with sadness, From city and Jungle rise; The cry of life’s suffering children The daylight slowly dies.
Our lord looked with love and pity Upon every living being, From the lowliest child of nature To the mightiest crowned king. For hatred, delusion, passion Still claim and enslave us all, And each alike on the wheel of change Must suffer, and rise, and fall.
Dukka, Anicca, Anatta, Tho’s every life knows pain; He who faithfully walks the Path Will not look for help in vain. The law of the Tathagatha Forever will light the way; It is our moon to shine by night, Our sun to illume the day.
In lord Buddha we take our refuge, His Law of Good our guide, To pilot us as we toss and drift On being’s remorseless tide.
With the Dharma’s light to steer by Some day we’ll fear rocks no more, But, merit won, each will moor his barge, On Nirvana’s changeless shore. (11)THOUGHTS Sujatha Hettiarachchi I fold my palms to worship Him, And meditate thro’s love, I place the blossoms one by one, And lift my eyes above.
I see Samsara‘s mighty vast And sorrow’s yearning fate, But thro’s the law the Dharma’s taught I sense a pathway great;
“Oh may that Noble Eightfold way Be sense by you and me, For on this Holy Wesak Day, ‘Tis my true gift to thee! ”
(12)LET”S SING THE PRAISES Sing gladly boys and maidens, Your hymn of praise today, ‘Tis right that children’s voices, Should blend in sweetest lay. O praise the Holy Teacher, Who found the root of pain, And by his life Triumphant, The power of self has slain, The power of self has slain.
Come sing, dear boys and maidens, Your hymn to Buddha Lord, It was for all His children, His wisdom He outpoured. Sing praises of the Master, Who found the Holy way, Which we will safely follow, To everlasting day, To everlasting day.
And when we sing His praises, Remember we strive, By Holy Word and Action, To keep His Faith alive. O let us try to follow, The Holy Path He found, With love and with compassion, All forms of live surround, All forms of Life surround.