


Случайная статья

Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

  Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

The Preface

I. Translate the preface into Russian (orally).

II. Find English equivalents to the following words and word groups:


розкрити, приховати, по-іншому, зіпсований, привабливий, культурний, моральний, аморальний, досконалий, недосконалий, манірність стиля, нездоровий, розпуста, доброчесність, ризик, різноманітність, корисний, непотрібний.


III. Give antonyms to the following words:


to conceal                                                     perfect

the highest form                                           morbid

ugly                                                              vice

corrupt                                                          surface

moral                                                            useful

well written                                                  intensely


IV. Answer the questions:

1) What are the aims of the artist and art to your mind?

2) What is the aim of the critic to your mind?

3) What does art mirror?

4) What contradictory statements do you see in the “Preface”?

5) What statements do you agree with?

6) Which of the statements do you accept as the best?

7) Which of the contemporary types of arts do you find most impressive? Why?

8) Which of the arts at the turn of the centuries (XIX-XX) was most vital to your mind?



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