Scottish English is similar in some ways to other forms of English and completely different in other ways.Scottish English is similar in some ways to other forms of English and completely different in other ways. ü https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=mALkCGVA2BU& ab_channel=Videojug – HOW TO SPEAK SCOTTISH ü https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=8X5zX3yVoiQ& ab_channel=Langfocus - LANGUAGE or DIALECT IRISH ENGLISH · Irish English is a variety of the English language that is used in Ireland. Also known as Hiberno-English or Anglo-Irish. · The Irish English accent is a combination of Gaelic and English · Irish has distinctive varietal features of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, although patterns vary considerably between North and South and East and West. · Although the knowledge of Irish among the majority is, in general, very poor, there is a curious habit of flavoring one's speech by adding a few words from Irish, what is sometimes called using the cú pla focal (Irish 'couple of words') · Some well know known characteristics of the grammar of southern Irish English include the following: 1) Stative verbs can be used with progressive aspect: 2) The adverb after can be used with a progressive where a perfective would be used in other varieties: 3) Clefting is common, and it is extended to use with copular verbs: · Pronounciation:
! There’re lots of misconceptions concerning the difference in grammar, pronunciation and Vocabulary – more nice info here https: //www. unidue. de/IERC/IERC_Misconceptions. htm
! https: //prezi. com/c4_muqropflc/varieties-of-english-irish-english/ - interesting presentation with lots of samples ! https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QJFayFOASMg& ab_channel=BennyLewis – actual speech