l.Read the text and answer the questions to the text.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
БИЛЕТ №15 l. Read the text and answer the questions to the text.
2. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text. Prove your point of view. English is an international language. It is the chief language of international business and academic conferences, and the leading language of international tourism. A lot of people in Russia study English as foreign language. It gives them benefits in their further career.
Nowadays English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. People in Great Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand speak it as a mother tongue. It's one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. It's one of the official languages of the United Nation Organization and the other political organizations. Half of the world scientific literature is in English. Today it's the language of computer technology. It's absolutely necessary to know English for every educated man, for every good specialist, as nearly all jobs require certain knowledge of foreign language. People in many countries study English as a foreign language. Russian people study it in kindergarten, schools, colleges, universities. Courses of foreign courses of foreign languages are extremely popular. The knowledge of English gives people benefits in their career. They can read scientific articles, communicate with foreign specialists, take part in international competitions, improve their skills abroad. If you possess the knowledge of English language it broadens your possibilities in using a computer and internet. It's a great pleasure to read the great literature of Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift in the original. You can listen to popular music and watch films in English. The great German poet said " He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one. " That's why in order to understand himself and environment a person ought to study foreign language.
3. Dramatize the situation. Your foreign friend often goes to Macdonald's. Explain him that it may be rather harmful for his health. Give at least two reasons. Give him a piece of advice what he/she should eat to be healthy.
- Hello Mike! Where are you hurrying to? - Hell! I'm going to Macdonald's I want to have dinner there. Join me. - You are eating in Macdonald's! Sounds strange! -1 like these restaurants they are the same everywhere. So you know what to expect. The restaurants are quick and informal. - But the food is very plain! -Oh, I like the food served there. I'm keen on hamburgers and cheeseburgers and like fried potatoes very much. And the food there is fairly cheep for young people. - But it's very harmful for you. The food contains a lot of fat and it's unhealthy. It's often called junk food. If you often eat in Macdonald's you may have problems with your nutrition. -1 think it isn't as unhealthy as you say. You are exaggerating! - Be careful with the dissection, in other way you may suffer from stomach diseases. - So Macdonald's is unhealthy. But what food do you consider to be healthy? -1 advice you to keep on well-balance diet? - What do you mean? - It should contain fibre, proteins and fat. And all these ingredients should be well-balanced. - What products do you consider to be healthy? -1 think you should eat more fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish and bread. - And how many meals a day should we have? -1 think you should eat three or four meals a day and at regular hours. -1 see. And what do you recommend me as a healthy breakfast? - For breakfast you ought to have porridge, a glass of juice a slice of bread with butter or cheese, tea or coffee. You may add an egg three times a week. But not more. - Well, but it's not so tasty. - But if you eat in such a way, you'll never get problems with your health.
БИЛЕТ №16 l. Read the text and answer the questions to the text.
2. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text. Prove your point of view.
Britain is a very interesting country with rich and exciting history and a great number of wonderful sights. It is a country of great men who citizens are proud of Britain is isolated from the continent by the channel. But if we cross it we can see that it differs greatly from other European countries.
Modern Britain pays tribute to its long and rich history. The Celts came about 700 ВС and became the forefathers of people in Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The Romans, who came in AD 43, built town and roads. In the 5th century Anglo-Saxons period began. It was the beginning of class system and administrative division. Christian Church brought education and written literature to Britain. In the early years of the 9th century Britain was invaded by the Vikings. In 1066 William the Conqueror who came from Normandy, defeated the English in the Battle of Hastings and became the king of England. It is regarded to be a turning point in English history. The king was at the top of the society, surrounded by great noblemen or barons. But in 1215 King Kohn was forced to sign a document known as Magna Carta which took away some of the king's power. In 1264 the first parliament met and since then it power has been growing. The monarch in Great Britain reigns but doesn't rule. So the UK is a constitutional monarchy. Each period of British history is reflected in its culture. There are lots of historical sites and places of interest worth visiting. Stonehenge and Hadrian Wall, York and Bath, the capitals of the four parts of the UK: Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast and of course London. The capital pf England was founded by Romans. It's one of the biggest cities in the world famous for St Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London, Big Ben and Trafalgar Square'. 3. Dramatize the situation. Your foreign friend thinks that a computer is very harmful for your health. You disagree with him. Give at least two arguments for the use of computers. - Hello! - Hello! You look so tired! Your eyes are red! What have you been doing? - I've been doing a project on the computer. -You spent so much time in front of the screen. It can do you harm. If you sit in front of the computer for a long time you may have an eye strain. - Oh no! I have a new modern display and it doesn't bring any harm to my eyes. And I can't imagine our life without the use of the computers. - I see. Computers are important but you shouldn't spend so much time in front of the computer. An hour, not more. If you spend more you may have a headache. - You are exaggerating. A lot of people work on the computers and their eyes are OK. And computer and internet gives us a great variety of information on different topics. When you serve a net you learn a lot of new things. - I agree with you but there is much stuff in internet and a lot of information which can't be trusted. - On the contrary I use only well-known sites and I trust the information I find there. And with the help of internet I can communicate with people all over the world. - But this is virtual communication. You will forget about your friends - You are not quite right. With the help of the computer I have a lot of topics to discuss with my friends,. - You sit near the computer, you don't walk. It's bad for your hobby. - You are kidding. I spend only two or three-ours a day working on computer - And it is not harmful at all. And if I make a report on the computer my presentation will be more colourful. - Colourful presentation will attract your listeners' attention doesn't it? - Of course it does. - But please don't forget to spend more time outdoors. - I'll follow your advice БИЛЕТ №17 l. Read the text and answer the questions to the text.
2. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text. Prove your point of view. Watching and playing sports is still one of the most popular leisure activities. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. Some people go in for sports for their health and some for professional aims. But with the arrival of professional competitions many people think some sports like tennis and football have changed and become more predictable.
Sports and games are very popular among the people among the people of all ages. Watching sport events gives us a lot of moments of pleasure. Crowds of people gather to cheer their favourite sportsmen and teams. They follow the exciting matches, admire good results and support their favourites. Those who want to be health and to keep fit go in for sports for pleasure. The aim of others is to achieve good results, to become famous and even rich. If you train regularly you become better disciplined and more organized. But professional sport often destroys your health. A great problem of modern professional sport is stimulants. It turns to be a real tragedy for those who have won the competitions and then have to part with their medals, fame and reputation; they also destroy their health. Sportsmen also influence the results of their sportsmen. This tendency can't be approved by real sport lovers. Modern living conditions affect our health; we don't drink clean water, eat proper food and breathe fresh air. People suffer from different diseases and can't enjoy their life, work and study. It's really necessary to think about health as it is above the wealth. People of all ages should walk regularly, do exercises, play sport games, swim and enjoy their life.
3. Dramatize the situation. You are preparing the party devoted to the celebration of the day of your city, where foreign guests are going to take part in. Ask the teacher for advice how and when you can organize the party. r Good morning Mrs. ... V- Good morning! You look so excited! What's the matter? - We are going to have a celebration of the city day. I want to make all necessary engagements for it. We are going to invite foreign guests to our party. What do you think of that? - Oh that's a good idea, but it is not an easy thing to make a party which will be interesting for foreigners. -1 know this. We want to make them acquainted with our national songs and dances. What about this idea? - Sounds good. But before preparing dances and songs you should think about costumes. -1 agree with you. And I think that before singing and dancing we should make some comments on historical roots of these folk things. What's your opinion about it? - You'll certainly do it. And I think you should ask foreigners to take part in such activities as making " horovods" or playing Russian games. - We'll surely follow your advice. And I think at the end of the party we'll offer some Russian national food to our guests. - This will make them fun. - And I think that it is better to organize the party at the end of May. Our classes will be over and we have a lot of time to prepare for it. - But you have forgotten about your exams! - You're absolutely right. Let's transfer it to the beginning of May. - I think it will be better. And don't forget about invitations cards. - I'll follow you advice. Invitation cards are very important. When we make them we'll show one of the samples to you.
БИЛЕТ №18 l. Read the text and answer the questions to the text.
2. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text. Prove your point of view.
Life becomes very monotonous without colourful celebrations. Public holidays unite nation and form national identity. Public holidays are usually memorable events in people's lives.
People of different nations inhabit our planet. All of them have their holidays and traditions. They unite people; make them proud of their country's history. People also should have time for relaxation, for leisure pursuit. All the holidays can be divided into national and religious. Most of religious holidays are common for people in different countries. Christmas is the most important among them. It is celebrated on the 25th of December in Great Britain, the USA and other Europeans countries and on the 7th of January in Russia. Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, buy presents for their nearest, go to the church, make special food. Its roast turkey and Christmas pudding in Great Britain. The second important holiday is Easter, which celebrates the day when Jesus Christ came back from his death. People in Great Britain also celebrate St David's day in Wales. St Andrew's day in Scotland, St Patrick's day in Ireland and St George day in England. Remembrance Day is observed in November to commemorate those who died in both the first and the second wars during special church services and ceremonies. People in Russia consider Victory day to be the most important. Wee also celebrate the day of Independence, the Day of National Defender, Women's day. Some foreign holidays have recently become popular in Russia. They are St Valentine Day - the day of lovers and Halloween. When we know holidays and traditions we understand the people better.
3. Dramatize the situation. You are going to an English spewing country for a week in October. Find out from your foreign friend who lives there what's the weather like in October if it is changeable, (if it often changes), and which things it would be better to take with you.
- Hello! You look so excited! What's the matter? - I have good news. I'm going to England to study for a week? - When are you going to England? - In October. I feel worried a little; I don't know what the weather like in October in Brighton is. - Oh! Brighton is in the south of England. It is warmer than in London. - But I've heard that Brighton is on the sea coast and it often wet and windy in autumn here. - You aren't quite right. It sometimes rain and windy but there are a lot of sunny days in October. - I know the English say: " There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes" - You are right. They use this proverb. - I don't know what clothes to take with me. I don't like to travel with heavy luggage, that's why I don't want to tale a lot of things with me. Shall I take an anorak, or a raincoat or umbrella? Of course you should take an umbrella, because it may be sunny in the afternoon and rainy in the evening. - Of course I'll take it. And what about warm sweater? I advise you to take it, because the winds are strong and it'll help you to keep warm especially if you are walking along the seacoast. - And what about T-shirt or light dress? - I advise you to take a T-shirt and cotton jeans with you. If it is warm you will wear a T-shirt and jeans and jeans and if it's cold put on the sweater. That's the way out. And what about sunglasses? - I think you shouldn't take them with you. The sun in October isn't so bright, so you can easily deal without them. - OK, thank you. I'll follow your advice - БИЛЕТ №19 l. Read the text and answer the questions to the text. 2. Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text Prove your point of view.
There are many different cities in the world, but the dearest for us is the city where we life. We are proud of our native city, its past and present. Moscow is political, cultural and industrial centre which attracts millions of tourists.
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It's one of„the oldest city of Russia and one of the biggest and the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. Gradually the city became more and more powerful and under the ruling of Ivan III it became the capital of the state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg in 1712 it remained the heart of Russia. In 1918 Moscow became the capital again. Moscow is a political economic and cultural centre of Russia. It is the seat of the government. Different kinds of industry are developed in Moscow region. Moscow is famous for its cultural facilities as there are a lot of theatres, museums, universities, libraries, galleries and cinemas. There are many buildings, remarkable for their architecture, historical places, beautiful streets, green parks, churches and monuments in Moscow. Lots of tourists come to our city annually to see its attractions. Moscow metro is the most beautiful in the world. It connects the centre with the suburbs. Moscow is called a port of five seas, as the Moskva-Volga canal links it with the Baltic, the White, the Black, the Caspian seas and the sea of Asov. There are nine railway stations and four airports. Moscow is the centre of science as there are a lot of research institutions, universities, colleges, so it provides wonderful educational facilities. There is a great amount of stadiums, swimming pools, tennis courts, skating rinks, fitness centres. But as any other large city Moscow has its own problems. Because of heavy traffic, plants and factories, crowds of people, ecological situation isn't so good. Muscovites love their city and are proud of it, so they should do their best to settle up all the problems and to make their native city more and more beautiful.
3. Dramatize the situation. Your foreign friend is in a very bad (low) mood. Try to find out what the matter of his bad mood is; give him advice how to change the situation.
- Hello! You look sad. What's wrong with you! - Hello! Glad to see you! I feel rather low. Things are going bad at school, I have a lot of homework and I can't cope with it, and to crown it all I have quarreled with my best friend. - Oh! I see. But I hope things aren't going as bad as you imagine. Let's discuss the situation. There is always a way out. - You' are kidding I think there is no narrow excel from my situation. Just the opposite. Let's discus you situation. Tell me what worries you and we'll find the solution of your case. - Hm! I have troubles with Maths I make a lot of mistakes in calculations. The results of my last work were very poor. - You should practice more. And if you don't understand something, I will help you. - But I'm always pressed with time. I always lack time to do some additional work. - Plan your day beforehand, keep a diary where you'll right all the things you need to do and you'll be able to find spare time. - I'll try to do it, but I'm not sure it'll help. And what about the quarrel with my friend? I think you can easily make it up. Meet your friend, smile and ask to forgive you. - Do you think that we'll get along easy again? Of course. And never dive a way to despair. Cheer up! - Thank you. I'll follow your advice.
БИЛЕТ №20 l. Read the text and answer the questions to the text.