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Chapter Twenty-three 22 страница

  Thinking of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, they analyzed their emotions. “My father is famous amount the great. My mother is recorded as the best among chaste women. Why does my heart adopt the mood of Rā dhā and other women? My tenderness is causing me exhaustion. ”     kiṁ ca—   hanta jñ ā naṁ mama vilulitaṁ kvā pi na syā t parantu        premā rdraṁ tad bhavati sutarā ṁ tā su tu preyasī ṣ u | yasmā t tā su sphurati na dhiyā premamayyā parā tvaṁ        nā pi khyā tiṁ bahir anugayā tā ṁ parā kartum ī ś e ||44|| [mandā krā ntā ]   “My intelligence never becomes confused. But among these dear women it has become soft because of prema since you, though superior, remain among these women with intelligence inundated with prema. And I cannot remove that acquired way of thinking. ”     [109] tac-ceṣ ṭ ā ca, yathā —   maunā rhe pratibhā ṣ ate sma vacanaucitye munitvaṁ dadhe ś ocyatve hasati sma hā sa-kathane rū kṣ atvam evā dade | prastā ve vraja-subhruvā ṁ sakhi-janair nirmī yamā ṇ e harer yadyapy evam athā pi varṇ a-vikṛ ter vyatyastir ā lakṣ yate ||45|| [ś ā rdū lavikrī ḍ itā ]   Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s behavior: He gives answers when he should be silent, and is silent when he should answer. He laughs at subjects of lamentation and acts roughly at jokes. When his friends talk about the women of Vraja, though it is true that it is the cause of his behavior, he becomes disturbed with blushing.   [110] tā sā ṁ vivā ha-ś ravaṇ e tu—   bahiḥ surasatā ṁ vyañ jann api tarhi balā nujaḥ | antas tu virasaḥ praikṣ i marmajñ aiḥ pakva-pī luvat ||46|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]   Hearing of the gopī s’ marriages, externally he showed joy but sharp observers could see that internally he disapproved, like a ripe pī lu fruit which is red outside but tasteless within.   [111] tad evaṁ sthite tā sā ṁ janyaṁ -manya-janena nija-nija-vadhū nā ṁ nayanā ya yā cyamā naṁ tat-pitṛ -kulaṁ tā su na tad-vā cyam akā rṣ ī t, kevalaṁ tu karṇ e karṇ e mitha eva varṇ ayā mā sa |   The parents and relatives of the groom asked the parents to take the bride, but the parents did not permit their daughters to go to the mother-in-law’s house. Everything was related only by word of mouth.   [112] tā su gargā di-hita-vargā d api kramā d adhigata-kṛ ṣ ṇ aika-tṛ ṣ ṇ ā su prā ṇ a-paryanta-saṅ kṣ ayā ś aṅ kayā tam udvā ham api na sahasā na ca sā kṣ ā d udbhā vayā mā sa, kim uta tā dṛ g-avasthā nā ṁ prasthā panam?   It was well known that the girls have given themselves only to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. Worrying that the girls would give up their lives, they arranged that the marriage arranged through Garga’s efforts should not occur suddenly and directly. How could they send their daughters away who had given themselves to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a?   [113] atha yathā durvahaś ca vivā ha-niś amana-saṅ klamaḥ prathama-labhya-bā lyam ā rabhya pū rva-pū rva-krama-labdha-visaratayā paramparayā vadhā rita iti krama-viṣ ayatayā viṣ a-bhakṣ aṇ avad abhyā savyā sata eva soḍ has tathedam api bā ḍ haṁ soḍ havyam iti tathaiva ś rā vayā mā sa |   Since hearing of marriage would be intolerable to them, from their very infancy they were made to understand gradually the whole truth. If a person takes poison bit by bit he can tolerate it. Thus they were gradually made to hear about their marriage.   [114] tā s tu tad-vā rtā -mā trataḥ paramā rtā jā tā ḥ | yatra ca kaṣ ṭ am bhoḥ kaṣ ṭ am, jī vanam api niṣ ṭ hī vanam ā payituṁ vyavasitim ā yā tā ḥ |   But on hearing the news the girls all began to suffer. At this disastrous news, they decided to take their lives, while spitting with hatred.   [115] tathā hi prathamaṁ tā vat pratyekaṁ pū rvā hnataḥ pū rvam eva gṛ hā d ā tmā naṁ nihnuvā nā ḥ sambhṛ ta-gambhī ra-nī ram ucchalat-taraṅ ga-saṅ gha-nihrā da-vilī yamā na-karṇ aṁ kā la-varṇ aṁ kā liya-hradam eva nirvyatireka-vivekam antareṇ a bhā vā ntareṇ a bhā vayā m babhū vuḥ |   First they left the house before the late morning secretly and arrived at Kā liya’s lake, which was black, filled with deep water, making sounds with its waves, painful to the ears. They desired to end their lives without consideration.   [116] atha tā ḥ samastā evā balā ḥ kevalatayā gatā api samastā babhū vuḥ | parasparam aparicita-prā yatayā nicā yanti sma | papracchuś ca—kā bhavatyaḥ? iti |   Though they all came separately, they gathered there. They saw each other as if not recognizing one another. They asked “Who are you? ”   [117] pracite ca paricaye tatrā vrajana-prayojanam apy anvayuñ jata |   When they understood who the others were, they asked their purpose in coming.   [118] tataś ca samā na-vā sanā vā sita-mā nasa-vyasana-ś aṁ saka-daś ana-vasanā di-ruci-vilokana-valita-mithaḥ -snehā d ā liṅ gita-kaṇ ṭ hā mukta-kaṇ ṭ ham utkaṇ ṭ hayā sphuṭ am eva rurudur, vividuś ca parasparaṁ hṛ dayam |   Though they all had the same intention, on seeing the color of their teeth and clothing, pain arose in their minds, and then affection. They all began weeping uncontrollably, understanding each others’ hearts.   [119] tad evaṁ kulā ṅ ganā nā m api tā sā ṁ svayam eva niṣ kulā kṛ ta-manasā m utkṛ ṣ ṭ a-guṇ atayā kṛ ṣ ṭ a-sarva-nayanā ś rī -rā dhā tu svata eva madhyam ā dhā ratā m ā pannā tikaṣ ṭ ataḥ prakaṭ am eva nija-niś cayam ā viś cakā ra,   All these girls, giving up their families, had made a decision. Among them, Rā dhā, with most attractive qualities and attractive to all eyes, stood in the center and revealed her decision with difficulty.   yathā — yady etad-vapur anya-sā tkṛ tam abhū t pitrā dibhis tarhy adaḥ preta-grastam ivā pi jī vad adhikaṁ dhik-kā ra-yogyaṁ bhavet | dhik cā tmā nam aho yad eṣ a sahate’py etasya saṅ gā padaṁ tat-tī rthā ya balā d balā nujakṛ te kartavyam asyā rpaṇ am ||47|| [ś ā rdū la]   If our parents give me to someone else, my body will be fit for the ghosts. My life will be most cursed. Good riddance to my soul--which will tolerate association with another man in this body. I will forcibly offer my body into the sacred Yamunā in order to attain Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.   [120] vistaram atra cā laṁ kṛ tvā, yataḥ ś reyā ṁ si bahu-vighnā ni iti nī ti-nighnatayā nā tivilambanam ā lambanī yam ity utthā ya tā bhiḥ saha mitho baddha-pā ṇ itayā pā nī ya-samī paṁ prasthā ya yamunā ṁ praty añ jaliṁ valayantī sā ś ru-gadgadam ardhodgata-varṇ am udgadati sma—   It is not necessary to elaborate on this, since there are many obstacles to the most beneficial actions. I will no longer delay, because of dependence on the rules of nī ti-sā stra.   Saying this she rose, held the hands of her friends and approached the water. Praying to the Yamunā with tears in her eyes, she began to speak in choked voice with barely intelligible syllables.   goṣ ṭ ha-kṣ mā pati-dampatī ś vaś uratā ṁ rā mā nujaḥ svā mitā ṁ vṛ ndā raṇ yam idaṁ sadā pi bhajatā m ā rā matā ṁ naḥ pari | yā ḥ snehā d vyatibaddha-hastam abhitaḥ kā lindi magnā bhavat- pā nī yā ntar amū r bhajantu sakhitā ṁ tvā m ā ś ritā s tad vayam ||48|| [ś ā rdū la]   “O Yamunā! May Nanda and Yaś odā be my in-laws and may Kṛ ṣ ṇ a be my husband. May we always play in Vṛ ndā vana. Ma all those holding my hand out of affection and entering the water become happy. For this reason we take your shelter. ”   [121] atha sahā yā ntarā ṇ y api tā bhis tad antarā ptā ni yathā |   They all assisted each other.   [122] tad evam amū m anu punar amū r asā dhā raṇ a-bā dhā nā m ā dhā ratayā prā ṇ a-dhā raṇ ā yā ṁ tu dhuta-kā raṇ ā hradam agā dha-jalaṁ valamā nā ḥ prati prathitā kā ś a-vā ṇ ī pratyā vartayituṁ pratyā ś ā ṁ vardhayā mā sa |   ahaha gopa-sutā ḥ saha-sā hasaṁ        na sahasā kurutā puru-buddhayaḥ | ś ṛ ṇ uta vaḥ pratikū la-kusaṅ gatir        na bhavitā na bhaven na bhaviṣ yati ||49|| [drutavilambitā ]   Following Rā dhā, the others, though doing a forbidden act, feeling no reason to live, immersed themselves in the unfathomable water. But at that moment, a voice from the sky loudly forbad them from doing this.   “Ah! Gopī s! Being so foolish, do not be so rash. Please listen. You have not had anyone except Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, past, present or future. It is impossible that you will associate with anyone else. ”   [123] tad evaṁ —   virahā vagraha-kliṣ ṭ ā gopī -bhū mi-sarojinī ḥ | kṛ tvā gī ḥ -sudhayā siktā devā bdā s tri-divaṁ yayuḥ ||50|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh}   In this way, the clouds in the form of devatā s, after showering this message of nectar on the gopī s, like lotuses deprived of rain showers, returned to Svarga.   [124] tataś ca vismaya-phulla-vilocanatayā vyativilokamā nā su tā su sū rajā -pū rataḥ kā py adū rataḥ sametya ś rī -rā dhā m upetya sarvā ś cā hū ya svayaṁ vibhū ya tat-tad-gā traṁ gṛ hī tvā pā traṁ mocayitum ī hitvā tī raṁ pratī rayā mā sa |   While they gazed each other with eyes wide with astonishment, an indescribable female form, not far from the waves of the Yamunā, approached Rā dhā, called all the women, held their limbs and sent them to the bank with a desire to clear the river.   [125] sā hi phullendī vara-sundarī svayam eva kā lindī | tayā ca tī ram ā nī tā su tā su vṛ ndayā kathita-tat-tad-vṛ tta-vṛ ndayā madhumaṅ galena ca vā ñ chita-tad-vṛ tta-maṅ galena sahitā parama-hitā mahitā pū rṇ imā ca tū rṇ am evā gatā |   Yamunā was as beautiful as a blue lotus. When she brought the gopī s to the bank, the benefactor Paurṇ amā sī, informed by Vṛ ndā, immediately came with Vṛ ndā and Madhumaṅ gala, who desired some auspicious news.   [126] tataḥ pratisvaṁ taru-mā trā valambana-gā tratayā niś cetanavat kṛ ta-ketanā vraja-niketanā ṅ ganā ḥ sā liṅ gana-sambodhana-pū rvaṁ gī rvā ṇ a-varṇ ita-vā ṇ ī vad eva vadamā nā tatrā nuvadamā nā bhyā ṁ vṛ ndā -kā lindī bhyā ṁ sā rdhaṁ bodhayā mā sa |   Taking support of trees, their bodies were almost unconscious. Paurṇ amā sī spoke like the voice from the sky, calling to them and embracing them. She finally revived them with the help of Vṛ ndā and Yamunā, who repeated her words.   [127] bodhayitvā ca punar bhaṇ ati sma, parama-masṛ ṇ a-matī nā ṁ bhavatī nā ṁ katham etā vatī karkaś atā jā tā? |    [128] vastutas tu— candro na hata-kalaṅ kaḥ kvacid api na kalaṅ ki vaktraṁ vaḥ | candro muhur api naś yati naś yati nahi varṣ ma yuṣ madī yaṁ tu ||51|| [upagī ti]   Having revived them, she again spoke:   Why have you soft girls done this harsh act? Actually, the moon is not without blemish, but your faces are without fault. The moon is repeatedly destroyed, but your bodies are never destroyed.   [129] kiṁ ca, tisṛ bhir apy asmā bhir aparokṣ aṁ parokṣ am api tathā sā hā yyaṁ kā ryam, yathā kṛ ṣ ṇ a-mā tra-pati-gatī nā ṁ bhavatī nā ṁ nā nabhī psita-puruṣ a-ś ayyā -yogaḥ syā t |   All three of us will assist you visibly and invisibly so that you, who have taken Kṛ ṣ ṇ a alone as your husband, will not associate with men you do not desire.   [130] athavā tad-viṣ ayakasya bhā va-mā trasya sa eṣ a prabhā vaḥ, kim uta bhavad-vidhā nā ṁ mahā -bhā vasya? yaṁ khalu gopa-varga-nṛ patiṁ prati gargaḥ pratijñ ā tavā n |   Love for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a has so much potency, what to speak of your love which is the greatest. Garga promised this to Nanda:   ya etasmin mahā -bhā ge prī tiṁ kurvanti mā navā ḥ | nā rayo bhibhavanty etā n viṣ ṇ u-pakṣ ā n ivā surā ḥ || [BhP 10. 8. 18] iti |   Demons cannot harm the demigods, who always have Lord Viṣ ṇ u on their side. Similarly, any person or group attached to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a is extremely fortunate. Because such persons are very much affectionate toward Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, they cannot be defeated by demons like the associates of Kaṁ sa.   [131] tasmā t parama-ś ubhavatyaḥ svayaṁ bhavatyaḥ punar atra cintā ṁ na kurvantu, kintu guru-vaś aṁ vadatayā vadamā nā ḥ ś am ā sī dantu iti |   evaṁ tasyā ṁ sā ntvayantyā ṁ tamā lasy-         ā dhaḥ sthā trī hema-gā trī -tatiḥ sā | nyañ cad-vaktrā bā ṣ pa-netrā tadī yā ṁ        patra-ś reṇ ī ṁ mā rjayanty eva tasthau ||52|| [ś ā linī ]   Therefore, being the best women, you should not worry any longer. Remain happy while carefully obeying your parents.   When Paurṇ amā sī consoled them in this way, the golden limbed gopī s stood with tears in their eyes and bowed heads beneath the tamā la trees, wiping themselves with tamā la leaves.   [132] tad evaṁ sā nuvrajanam ā tmā naḥ parirabhya tā ḥ kṛ ta-prasthitī r upalabhya tad-upadeś aṁ viś rabhya sadyaḥ samudyantī ṁ kṛ ṣ ṇ ā valoka-tṛ ṣ ṇ ā ṁ pratilabhya hasta-graha-grahila-mahilā bhiḥ sā hacaryam ā carya pracchanna-vartmanā niṣ pratyū ha-nigū ha-mā nā ṅ gaṁ nija-nijā ṅ gana-samī pa-vanaṁ ś rī -rā dhā dayaḥ samā jagmuḥ |   As they followed her, she embraced them. Seeing that they were ready to depart, she gave them faith in her instructions. Knowing that they desired to see Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, taking their hands, she accompanied the eager gopī s by a secret path. Rā dhā and others then arrived at the yard of a nearby grove where their limbs could be concealed without hindrance.      tad-dinataś ca—   viś ā khā -lalitā -mukhyā ḥ ś rī -rā dhā -sakhyam aiyaruḥ | padmā -ś aivyā dayaś candrā valer ity ā di gamyatā m ||53|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]   From that day, Viś ā khā, Lalitā and others became the sakhī s of Rā dhā. Padmā, Ś aibya and others became the sakhī s of Candrā valī.   [133] tad etad-avadhikā muhur adhikā sahā yatā yā ḥ sahā yatā tā su kṛ ṣ ṇ a-tṛ ṣ ṇ ā -niratā su nā ś caryā |   From that time, with the help of these assistants, it is not surprising that they had continual thirst for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.   [134] yataḥ sā dhā raṇ asyā pi—   sā hā yakaṁ suvidhir icchati yasya kartuṁ tasyā nukū la-nicitiṁ yugapac cinoti | nā nā -graharkṣ a-ś akunā mara-mā navā s tad- rā jyā di-labdhi-samaye hy udayanti bhavyā ḥ ||54|| [vasanta] iti |   For even in ordinary people it is seen. If one desires the help of good natured fate, one immediately becomes full of favorable items, for many favorable planets, constellations, omens, devatā s and humans (brā hmaṇ as) appear so that one may attain a kingdom and other benefits.   [135] prastū yamā naṁ ca ś rū yatā m | atha madhumaṅ galaṁ saṅ ginaṁ vidhā ya pū rṇ a-manā ḥ pū rṇ imā vṛ ndayā saha sahasā hari-samī pam ā sasā da |   Please hear about the plan. Paurṇ amā sī, smiling, along with Madhumaṅ gala and Vṛ ndā, immediately went to see Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.   [136] bhā nu-tanū jā nubhā vita-bhā vi-bhā va-viś eṣ a-ś leṣ ā samī pataḥ svā gamanam apahnutavatī | pathi punar idaṁ pracchannaṁ papraccha—vṛ nde, vrajendra-nandanasya prema kim ā su vartate?   Yamunā, thinking of the special love to be experienced in the future, approached them secretly on the path and asked “O Vṛ ndā, does Kṛ ṣ ṇ a have love for the gopī s? ”   [137] vṛ ndā ha—atha kiṁ? kintu nigū ḍ ham |   Vṛ ndā said “Oh yes, but it is hidden. ”   [138] yamunā ha—etā sā ṁ tu spaṣ ṭ am adya dṛ ṣ ṭ am |   Yamunā said “But I have seen it openly today. ”   [139] vṛ ndā ha—tac ca daś ama-daś ā -vaś ā d eva |   Vṛ ndā said “That occurred because they had fainted. ”   [140] yamunā ha—tarhi kiṁ pā rasparikaṁ tat parasparaṁ na jā nate?   Yamunā said “Do both parties know that the love is mutual? ”   [141] vṛ ndā ha—yadapi tathā nigū ḍ ham, tathā pi vikriyā ṁ vinā prema kathaṁ dhriyatā m? satyā ṁ ca vikriyā gatyā ṁ parasparaṁ durapahnava eva nava-navā nurā gaḥ katham ā vrī yatā m?   Vṛ ndā said “Though the love is secret, how can it remain without some symptoms? When these symptoms arise, how can they conceal this new attraction, which is hard to hide? ”   yataḥ —   tamā lā vakṣ oja-prabha-ghusṛ ṇ a-mudrā -nivalitā nakhā ṅ ka-ś reṇ ī bhiḥ ś avalita-dalā ś campaka-latā ḥ | sarojā ni ś yā mā ny uta kanaka-varṇ ā ny adharaja- dravyā ṇ y evaṁ vanyā py ubhaya-ratim atra prathayati ||55|| [ś ikhariṇ ī ]   “All the tamā la trees have signs of kuṁ kuma from breasts. All the campaka creepers have their leaves discolored with fingernail marks. All the blue lotuses have become golden because of lip cosmetics. The forest broadcasts their mutual love. ”   [142] tad evaṁ sampṛ cchya pracchannā yā ṁ yamunā yā ṁ vṛ ndā -madhumaṅ gala-pū rṇ a-pā rś vā pū rṇ imā harer abhyarṇ am ā jagā ma | ā gamya ca virahatā pa-nirvā paṇ ā ya kvacid ekā nte nitā nta-kā nta-candrakā nta-ś ilā -madhyam adhyā sī naṁ parama-dhyā navantaṁ tam antar-manasaṁ santaṁ nidhyā tavatī | tasmā t pracchannā cedaṁ sa-gadgadam ā kalitavatī —   Yamunā disappeared and Paurṇ amā sī, along with Vṛ ndā and Madhumaṅ gala, approached Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. Coming to remove his pain of separation, they saw him sitting on a slab of attractive moonstone in a solitary place, absorbed in contemplation. Hiding herself she spoke to him in choked voice.   doṣ ā karaḥ sa doṣ ā - kara eva na cā tra sandehaḥ | kamalaṁ khalv api kamalaṁ rā dhā -vadanaṁ tu ś armaṇ ā ṁ sadanam ||56|| [udgī ti]   “The moon is full of faults. There is no doubt about this. The lotus is full of contamination. Only Rā dhā ’s face is the abode of all happiness. ”   [143] tad evaṁ muhur moham ū hamā nā ś anair upasṛ tya tad ā dṛ tya tā ḥ kṛ ta-kṛ tyaṁ -manyā sā sram ā ś ī ḥ -sahasreṇ edaṁ ś rā vitavatī —   vidyate durlabhaṁ kiṁ te vinte tad yad bhavā n api | avaś ya-vaś yatā ṁ yasya paś ya labdhā s tu mad-vidhā ḥ ||57|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh}   Bewitching him, gently approaching, honoring him, thinking herself successful, with tears in her eyes, she then gave a thousand blessings.   “Is it so difficult for you to attain that upon which you meditate? All are under your control. You have attained persons like us. ”   [144] kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu prema-puṣ itena ghuṣ itena tena vā kyena spaṣ ṭ am api teṣ ā m api nija-bhā vam astariṣ ṭ a | saj-jā tā nā ṁ lajjā kevalaṁ balā ya sajjatī ti |   Kṛ ṣ ṇ a however concealed his love which was made clear by his words emanating prema. A gentleman maintains shyness for his advantage.   [145] atha kamala-locane sā dara-dara-saṅ koca-locana-nikocatayā kṛ ta-rocane sā sa-prarocanam avocata—   When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a revealed a slight emotion in his slightly closed eyes along with respect, Paurṇ amā sī with eagerness then spoke.   [146] ayaṁ madhumaṅ gala-nā mā svayaṁ sva-saṅ gama-maṅ gala-saṅ ghena saṅ gamanī yaḥ iti tat-pā ṇ ī samā nī ya hari-pā ṇ ī prati samarpaṇ ī yatayā praṇ ī tavatī |   “Keep the association of Madhumaṅ gala and you will attain auspiciousness. Taking Madhumaṅ gala’s hands, she offered them to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s hands. ”   [147] harir api, sva-vihā ra-sukha-sā ra-samupahā ra evā yam iti tam anusandhā ya prema-bandhā ya sphurad-iṅ gitam ā liṅ gitavā n |   Understanding that this person would give the essence of joy to his pastimes, he inspected him, and then embraced him with signs of friendship.   [148] so’pi taṁ kila vilakṣ aṇ am ā ś likṣ ad yatra cā ś liṣ an mithaḥ pulaka-kulam |   Madhumaṅ gala embraced him with extraordinary joy. Their hairs stood on end.   [149] tad evam upatiṣ ṭ hamā natayā dvayor apy eka-niṣ ṭ hatā yā ṁ jā tā yā ṁ punar vṛ ndā vana-candramā vṛ ndā ṁ nirvarṇ ya pū rṇ imā ṁ prati varṇ ayā mā sa, keyaṁ bhavatī m anuvartamā nā vartate?   When their friendship had been sealed, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, glancing at Vṛ ndā, spoke to Paurṇ amā sī. “Who is this with you? ”   [150] paurṇ amā sī sa-smitam uvā ca—kim iyaṁ na paricī yate bhavatā?   Paurṇ amā sī said with a smile “She is not known to you? ”   [151] ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—nū naṁ yan-nā mnā vanam idaṁ dhā mnā samā mnā tam asti, saiveyam anumeyā |   Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “I can guess that this forest is named after her because she resides here. ”    [152] pū rṇ imā tu smita-pū rṇ a-vadanaṁ tā m avā dī t, nā dyā vadhikam asya vidyamā nā babhū vitha?   Paurṇ amā sī with a smile said to Vṛ ndā “Why have you not approached Kṛ ṣ ṇ a up till now? ”     [153] ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a sa-smitam uvā ca—aparicitā na svayaṁ milanā ya samucitā yate |   Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said with a smile “A woman who is not known should not approach. ”   [154] pū rṇ imā tha vṛ ndā m ū ce—bhavatu cetaḥ paraṁ bhavatī sacetaḥ sarvadā sya dā syam ivā carantī cariṣ yati |   Paurṇ amā sī said to Vṛ ndā “Let that be. From this time you should move about, performing serve for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a at all times with attention. ”   [155] atha sā ś ru-vṛ ndā ṁ vṛ ndā ṁ praṇ amantī m eva ramā -ramaṇ as tu vanamā layā puraskurvan vana-mā layā puraś cakā reti gamayā mā sa |   When Vṛ ndā offered respects with tears, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a rewarded her with a garland and sent her away.   [156] tad anu ca vyañ jita-nija-sukhā sañ janayā pū rṇ imā -vṛ ndayoḥ vā cā rañ janayā cirā d virā jamā naḥ punar gatayos tayor labdha-mahā -sahā yatā -mahasā bṛ ṁ hita-manā mahā manā ḥ sa tu puruṣ a-siṁ haḥ saha gacchatas tad eva madhumaṅ galataḥ kā liya-hrada-saṅ gataṁ preyasī -prasaṅ gaṁ ś ravasi saṅ gamayan sakhi-saṅ ghaṁ saṅ ghati sma | sa tu prasaṅ gaḥ saṅ gamyate—   Kṛ ṣ ṇ a remained standing there for a long time because of the pleasing words of Paurṇ amā sī and Vṛ ndā meant for his benefit. When they left, the lion among men with generous heart became nourished in mind by the power of their assistance. Hearing about the gopī s at Kā liya’s lake from Madhumaṅ gala as they walked together, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a went to his friends. That association was suitable for him.   kasmā d ā gā n munī ś ā phaṇ i-hrada-valayā t tatra kiṁ rā dhikā dyā hetau kasmiṅ s tad etan mama tu kathayato rudhyate hanta kaṇ ṭ haḥ | hā dhik kiṁ kiṁ vidhā tā kuś alitam akarod eva kiṁ yā vad evaṁ sidhyed itthaṁ sa tena vyatikathitayā vyaś vasī n nyaś vasī c ca ||58|| [sragdharā ]   “Why did Paurṇ amā sī go to the bank of Kā liya’s lake? Why did Rā dhā and others go there? Hearing this, why does my throat become choked? Has the creator made some auspicous arrangement so that this will be successful? ” Talking to Madhumaṅ gala in this way, he stopped breathing, and then sighed.   [157] punaś ca ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—bhagavatyā ḥ purataḥ kim api tā bhir uktam?   Kṛ ṣ ṇ a again spoke “What did they say to her? ”   [158] madumaṅ gala uvā ca—nahi nahi, kintu sā sumukhī -tatir adhomukhī -bhavantī santī vra-locana-jala-skhalanataḥ stanaṁ siñ cantī tamā lam api taṁ mlā payā mā sa |


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