Gopāla-campū 8 страница
[74] vrajarā jaḥ sasmitam uvā ca, “bā lye dṛ ṣ ṭ o’yaṁ nā tī va niṣ ṭ aṅ kituṁ ś akyate |”
The king of Vraja said, “I saw him when he was a child. It is difficult to recognize him now. ”
[75] taṁ ca satkṛ tyovā ca, “mā nya, svayam agrataḥ samagram ehi” iti pṛ ṣ ṭ avā ṁ ś ca, “samprati bhavatā ṁ kutra bhavanam? ”
The king then praised Sumati. “O respectable Sumati! Please come before me. ” He asked “Where do you reside now? ”
[76] sa uvā ca, “rā javī ra, nī radhitī ra eva |”
Sumati said, “O brave king! I live on the shore of the ocean. ”
[77] upananda uvā ca, “tarhi dū rā d abhyā gato’yam abhyā gataḥ |”
Upananda said, “He has come a great distance. He is our guest. ”
[78] atha vadana-sudhā -karā ṁ ś u-sudhā -snapita-dṛ gantaḥ smita-madhurā dharā vṛ ta-kunda-koraka-dantaḥ ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ sa-tṛ ṣ ṇ am iva pṛ ṣ ṭ avā n, “kiṁ -nā mā nā v etau? ”
The edges of his eyes gleaming with the rays of his moon face, covering his rows of teeth with his smiling lips, which were like jasmine flower buds, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said, “What the names of these two boys? ”
[79] ratnacū ḍ a uvā ca, “prā ṇ i-koṭ i-nirmañ chanī ya-nakha-koṭ e, madhukaṇ ṭ ha-snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha-nā mā nau |”
Ratnacū ḍ a said, “O Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, whose toe nails are to be worshipped by millions of my lives! Their names are Madhukaṇ ṭ ha and Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha. ”
[80] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca, “samā na-nā mā nau dṛ ś yete |”
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said, “Their names appear have the same meaning. ”
[81] ratnacū ḍ a uvā ca, “sahajā v etau sahajā v eva |”
Ratnacū ḍ a said, “They are brothers, twins. ”
[82] upananda uvā ca, “ratnacū ḍ a, kiṁ khalu bhavad-vidyā m anavadyā d adhī tavantā v etau? ”
Upananda said, “O Ratnacū ḍ a! Have these two boys studied your art of praising? ”
[83] ratnacū ḍ a uvā ca, “atha kim, ā kasmikatayā vismā yakau guṇ a-viś eṣ ā v apy anayoḥ staḥ |”
Ratnacū ḍ a said, “Yes, they learned from me. They have surprising qualities which appear unexpectedly. ”
[84] upananda uvā ca, “kau tau? ”
Upananda said, “What are their qualities? ”
[85] ratnacū ḍ a uvā ca, “sarvajñ atā tad-avitā kavitā ca |” iti | [86] tataś ca sarve sā ś caryaṁ paś yanti sma |
Ratnacū ḍ a said, “They know everything, and because of that they are protectors of the poetic art. ”
Everyone looks on them as amazing.
[87] vrajarā ja uvā ca, “mā nya sumate, kuta etat-prabhā va-bhā vitav etau? ”
The king of Vraja said, “Respectable Sumati! From where did these two boys obtain such powers? ”
[88] sumatir uvā ca, “viś va-pā vana, svaccha-kī rte, pṛ cchyetā m etā v eva |”
Sumati said, “O purifier of the universe! O pure fame! Please ask them. ”
[89] vrajarā ja uvā ca, “ā yuṣ mantau, yuṣ mad-vṛ ttenā smā kaṁ cittaṁ vismayam evā viveś a, tasmā d apanī yatā m ayam |” tau ca sā ñ jali-vacasā vyā nañ jatuḥ, “ś rī -goloka-loka-deva, ś rī -guru-prasā da eva sarvatra durvā raṁ kā raṇ am iti tatrabhavanta evā nubhavanti |”
The king of Vraja said, “O long-lived boys! Your qualities surprise us. Please remove the astonishment. ”
The two boys, folding their hands, spoke these words. “Lord of the people of Goloka! Mercy of guru is the only cause in all cases. Being respectable persons, you can understand this. ”
[90] vrajarā ja uvā ca, “ke khalv ī dṛ ś a-mahā -mahimā nas te? ”
The king of Vraja said, “Who are these teachers who are so great? ”
[91] atha tau punar ghaṭ ita-kara-puṭ ā v ū catuḥ, “sugṛ hī ta-nā ma-dheyā mad-vidha-bhā ga-dheya-rū pā ḥ sarva-sukha-varṣ i-ś rī -devarṣ i-caraṇ ā ḥ |”
Folding their hands they again spoke. “It is Nā rada, to be remembered every morning, our fortunate possession, who rains all bliss. ”
[92] atha sarve’py ū cuḥ, “tarhi nā ś caryam idam ”
Everyone present said, “Then it is not astonishing. ”
[93] punaḥ tā v ū catuḥ, “samprati ca yad-upadeś ā d vṛ ndā vana-deś am ā gatā vayam | nū naṁ yat-prasā dā d eva deva-varga-durgama-samadhigamasya bhavā bhibhava-bhā vana-bhā vanasya tad etad bhavadī ya-vaibhava-pradeś asya praveś e sadeś a-rū patā ṁ yā tā ḥ sma |”
The two boys spoke again. “We came to Vṛ ndā vana on his order. We have gained knowledge rare to devatā s by his mercy. By thinking of him, the miseries of material life are destroyed. We have entered your place full of all wealth by his order. ”
[94] punaś ca sarve sā ś caryam idaṁ paś yanti sma |
All present again were filled with astonishment.
[95] tataś ca ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ aś cintitavā n, “ā ṁ ā ṁ, cirā n mamā py anayor ā gamanaṁ sphuraṇ a-mayam ā sī t” iti |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began thinking. “Ah! I now remember. Seeing these two boys come after a long time, I recognize them. ”
[96] atha ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ ā numatā nugatatayā ś rī -rā mas tu samī pam ā gamya vraja-rā jam uvā ca, “bṛ hat-tā ta, tayor anayoḥ kautukaṁ draṣ ṭ um utkaṇ ṭ hitā ḥ smaḥ |”
Balarā ma, understanding Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s desire, then approached Nanda and spoke. “Great father! We long to see the skills of these two boys. ”
[97] tad anumodya punar vrajarā ja uvā ca, “ratnacū ḍ a, adya dinam ā rū ḍ ham | prā ghuṇ ā ś ca ta ete ghuṇ ā kṣ ara-nyā yenopalabdhā ḥ, tad eṣ ā m ā titheya-vastubhir avitatham ā tithyam evā dya vidhī yatā m |” pā rś va-vartinaś cā diṣ ṭ avā n, “dī yatā m ebhyo varṣ aṁ yā vad bhogyā varī yasī samagrā sā magrī, sā ca yathaivā smā kaṁ tathaiva | prā tar ā rabhya tu sabhyā ḥ samā hū yantā ṁ kautukā valokā ya |”
Agreeing to this, Nanda then said, “O Balarā ma! The day is passing and guests have come by chance--like alphabet letters accidentally carved by book worms. Please make arrangements for welcoming the guests with suitable items. ” He ordered those nearby, “Give them a shower of gifts, the best ingredients. Whatever we have, they should have. From the morning, call the assembly of people to see the wondrous event. ”
[98] atha puraskṛ topanandeṣ u vrajajana-vṛ ndeṣ u tatra jñ ā pita-nijā nandeṣ u tathā teṣ u sū teṣ u ca kṛ ta-sarva-kleś a-varjaneṣ u bhojya-bhogya-yogya-vastubhiḥ prastuta-visarjaneṣ u madhyā hnaḥ so’yam ahnā ya vyatī ta iti rā jñ e vijñ ā pya vijñ ā ta-sakala-tattvaḥ ś rī mā n mahā -sattvaḥ ś rī patir api ś rī -rā mā di-sahita-gatis tat-tan-namanā di-kramā n niṣ kramya prasthitavā n | tatra ca,
Later, the inhabitants of Vraja, putting Upananda in front, showed their contentment. After the panegyrists had dispelled all worries, they departed with offerings of suitable food and other items. In this manner noon passed. Then noble Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, possessor of all wealth, knower of all knowledge, informing the king, departed with Balarā ma and others after offering respects to all.
buddhir eva suhṛ dā m anumene taṁ gavā nugataye na manas tu | sā hi mantra-sacivaṁ suvicā raṁ pā ti tat tu rahitā rgala-kā mam ||29|| [svā gatā ]
Understanding the minds of his friends, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began to think. We have departed to follow the cows, but the boys do not want to return. Their intelligence nourishes their good judgment, but it cannot stop the desires of the mind.
atho vanaṁ prati calitaḥ sahā grajaḥ samitrakaḥ pṛ thu muralī m anā dayat | yataḥ ś rutā d bata puratas tu tasthuṣ ā ṁ supū rṇ atā bhavad atiś ū nyatā nyataḥ ||30|| [rucirā ]
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, along with Balarā ma and their friends arrived at the forest. He began playing his flute. Hearing the flute, the trees in front began to blossom, but the trees behind, not hearing the flute, remained without beauty.
tadā guru-vyavahitim ā gatā mudā parasparaṁ paś upa-sutā ḥ karair yutā ḥ | sabhā gataṁ jahasur adhī tya kasyacid vacas tadā skhalitam anū dya cā pare ||31|| [rucirā ]
Separated from the elders, the cowherd boys held hands and began laughing in bliss on remembering some person in the assembly and repeating his speech in a broken manner.
[99] hā se coparatā bhā se rā ma uvā ca, “bhaṅ gura, madhumaṅ gala, mā tṛ bhir asmā su vinī yamā neṣ u bhavā n kim avispaṣ ṭ am ā caṣ ṭ a, ‘vrajeś vari, kathayiṣ yā my ahaṁ rahaḥ ’ iti | kintu tā bhir ā veś avaś ā n nā vakalitam |”
When the laughter died, Balarā ma spoke to Madhumaṅ gala. “O crooked Madhumaṅ gala! When the mothers brought us, you spoke with unclear words “O queen of Vraja! I want to speak to you alone. ” But no one could hear you since they were all absorbed in chores. ”
[100] madhumaṅ gala uccair vihasya nimī lya ca maunam ā lalambe | kṣ aṇ ā d uvā ca ca, “hanta, ś antamam api tad vismṛ tam iva |”
Madhumaṅ gala laughed loudly and closed his eyes. Then he became silent. After a moment he said “Ah! Though that talk was for everyone’s happiness, I have forgotten about it. ”
[101] rā ma uvā ca, “priyasakha, ś apathaṁ prathayā ni, tathyaṁ kathyatā ṁ: kiṁ tat? ”
Balarā ma said, “O dear friend! Please swear to tell the truth. What was this? ”
[102] madhumaṅ gala uvā ca, “yajñ opavī tā ya ś ape, nā nyathā prathayā ni | yataḥ,
“dā ntena damitaḥ so’haṁ ś amitaḥ ś ā nta-cetasā | jñ aptena jñ apitaḥ pū rṇ enā cā ryeṇ ā smi pū ritaḥ ||32|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh] tena channena cā bhū vaṁ chā ditā nṛ ta-vā k punaḥ | kathaṁ vā spā ś itā n kuryā ṁ guṇ ā ṁ s tā n spaṣ ṭ am iṣ ṭ adā n” ||33|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Madhumaṅ gala said, “Touching my thread, I swear. I will not tell a lie. He who tolerates suffering helps me control my senses. He who has a peaceful heart supports my calm nature. He who has knowledge gives me knowledge. He who is a perfect teacher makes me perfect. If he is covered, my lies will be covered. How can I give up clear and desirable qualities? ”
[103] “kintu yuvayor vadhū nā ṁ cā jñ ā m ā jñ ā ya paraṁ vijñ ā panī yaṁ tā su, tan na cen na |”
“I will tell if your women give the order. If not, I will not tell. ”
[104] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca, “unmatta, prathamam ā vayor ā vedaya |”
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said, “You are insane. First you tell us two. ”
[105] madhumaṅ gala uvā ca, “yadi na khidyā the |”
Madhumaṅ gala said, “I will if you do not become upset. ”
[106] ubhā v ū catuḥ, “nahi nahi |”
They both said, “No, we will not. ”
[107] madhumaṅ gala uvā ca, “evam uccaiḥ kā ram api vivakṣ ā mi, tayor anayor yathā svaṁ preyasī bhiḥ saha sā sā ś reyasī vidyā nā dyā pi vicchidyamā nā vidyate, yan muhur ā rabhyata eva vanā bhyantare keli-kalaha-pralā pa-kalā paḥ ” iti |
Madhumaṅ gala said, “I want to speak loudly. The best knowledge exists today intact with your beloved gopī s, since conversations with pastimes of anger are now constantly taking place in the forest. ”
[108] tataś ca kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ savyena pā ṇ inā tad-apasavyaṁ bā huṁ gṛ hī tvā dakṣ iṇ ā ṅ guṣ ṭ ha-madhyamā bhyā ṁ tad-adhara-puṭ aṁ mṛ du niṣ pī ḍ ya smayamā na uvā ca, “suṣ ṭ hu ghuṣ ṭ a-paṭ ṭ a-ḍ orakeṇ a tad idaṁ sī vyate cen, munitā m ā padyate viprakī rṇ a-buddhir ayaṁ yan mitra-vipraḥ |” madhumaṅ galas tu tadvan mudrita-mukha evā mbū -kṛ ta-nirasta-grasta-vacanatayā vyaktavā n, “tathā ced antar-lobhanam anyatra tu durlabhaṁ nija-gṛ hā n matsyaṇ ḍ ī -khaṇ ḍ a-cayam ā dā yā khaṇ ḍ a-kā lam eva man-mukhaṁ pū rayathaḥ | tataḥ kathaṁ vā kim-arthaṁ vā vā ṇ ī -vyayaṁ karavā ṇ i? tad etad api sevanam eva bhaṇ yate |”
Holding Madhumaṅ gala’s arm with his right hand, with his right thumb and middle finger pressing his lips slightly, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a smiled and spoke. “I will sew up his lips with a clean silk thread and in this way my brā hmaṇ a friend full of unsteady intelligence will remain silent. ” Madhumaṅ gala kept his mouth shut and then spoke as if he were about to spit. “If your intention is to keep my mouth shut, my mind has greed for some other rare item. From your house bring all the sugar candy and fill my mouth with it continuously. How and why will I be able to waste words? In this way you can sew up my mouth. ”
[109] rā maḥ sasmitam uvā ca, “utkocaś cā miṣ am eva bhaṇ yate, tad api brā hmaṇ ā ḥ kā mayeran? ”
Balarā ma, smiling, said, “You speak of bribes and forbidden items. How can a brā hmaṇ a desire these? ”
[110] tad evaṁ sakhi-sabhā satsu hasatsu svayaṁ sa tu narma-paṭ ur baṭ uḥ sa-tṛ ṣ ṇ aṁ kṛ ṣ ṇ aṁ kṣ aṇ am ā liṅ gya preṅ kholayan prakaṭ aṁ jahā sī ti sma |
When he said this, everyone laughed. Then the clever Madhumaṅ gala, expert at jokes, embraced Kṛ ṣ ṇ a for a few moments with zeal and began laughing loudly, repeatedly, while swinging Kṛ ṣ ṇ a around.
[111] atha sarva-guṇ a-ś ā lī vanamā lī bahala-kutū hala-kalita-cittatayā calitaḥ, sakhibhir valitaḥ, phalita-ś ā khi-ś ā khā -ś ikhā -lalitenā dhvanā dhenū r labdhvā veṇ u-dhvanim udbhā vayā mā sa |
Then Kṛ ṣ ṇ a endowed with all good qualities, his heart moved by the jokes, surrounded by his friends, walked along the path, lined with branches laden with fruit. Catching up with the cows, he began playing the flute.
[112] tataś ca dhenū palakṣ aṇ atayā sarvā ṇ i yadā kṛ kṣ anta, tadā sā ś caryaṁ nabhasthaḥ kaś cid ā ha sma,
“sarvaḥ pravā haḥ sarvatra svā nukū lyena karṣ akaḥ | veṇ u-dhvani-pravā has tu prā tikū lyena karṣ ati |” ||34|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh] iti |
When they observed the cows and brought them together, an astonishing voice spoke from the sky.
“All streams pull objects in the same direction as the flow, but the stream emanating from the flute pulls objects in the opposite direction (towards Kṛ ṣ ṇ a). ”
anantaraṁ ca-- gā vaḥ svā n ṛ ṣ abhā n bhujaṅ gama-bhujaḥ ṣ aḍ jā n pikā ḥ pañ camā n anye ca pratipadya tā n nija-nijā n suṣ ṭ hu svarā n veṇ utaḥ | ā ś caryeṇ a vikarṣ aṇ aṁ muhur aho mohaṁ tathā bhejire sarve ced asakṛ t kva sā ntvana-vidhiṁ kurvantu ke vā tadā? ||35|| [ś ā rdū la]
After that, from the notes of the flute, the cows recognized their lowing as the second note of the scale, the peacocks recognized their cries as first note of the scale and the cuckoos recognized their calls as the fifth note of the scale. With astonishment they became attracted to the flute sound and became completely enchanted. Who can image such an event happening at any time? But it happened repeatedly.
svayam api mohaṁ bheje yadi nija-veṇ u-dhvanau kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ | syā d urvaritaḥ ko vā, jī vaḥ sa hi sarva-jī vasya ||36|| [upagī ti] iti |
If Kṛ ṣ ṇ a becomes enchanted the sound of his flute, who would not be, since he is the life of all living beings.
[113] kintu hanta, veṇ u-rava-ś ravaṇ a-sukha-vistā ra eva tatra nistā rā ya babhū va | yataḥ,
mohe’pi svapna-kalitaṁ niś amya muralī -kalam | parasparaṁ jā gratas te paś yanti sma sa-vismayam ||37|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Ah! The increase in happiness from hearing the flute was the cause of breaking the enchantment since on hearing the flute, like something experienced in a dream, they awoke from their state of enchantment and began staring at each other in astonishment.
[114] tataś ca svasthī -bhū teṣ u teṣ u samutthiteṣ u gā ḥ prati prasthiteṣ u ca madhur madhura-smitam uvā ca, “brā hmaṇ ā n prati duranudhyā nasya phalaṁ sadya eva jā taṁ nidhyā tam | yad aho mama mū katvam anudhyā taṁ sarva-madhyam adhyā sī nenaikena, sarvasyaiva tu mū katvaṁ jā tam |”
When they all recovered and went to the cows, Madhumaṅ gala spoke with a gentle smile. “It is seen that offense to the brā hmaṇ a bears quick results. It is amazing to see that among everyone sitting here, only Kṛ ṣ ṇ a thinks of silencing me, but all have now become silent. ”
[115] evam eva tena saha hasantas te mā thura-deś a-deś a-rū pa-go-nideś a- vacanatayā,
While joking with him the cowherd boys spoke, moving the cows in the district of Mathurā.
sambodhane hihī ty ū cuḥ kṣ epe jihijihī ti tu | dhī rī ha iti viṣ kambhe gā ṁ netuṁ yamunā m amī ||38|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
They called the cows with “Hi hi, ” they brought the cows to the Yamunā with “Jihi jihi, ” and stopped them by saying “Dhī rī ha. ”
cokā raṁ pā thasaḥ pā ne jhiri-kā raṁ viyojane | tasmā t payasa utthā ne cakrus tiritirī ti te ||39|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
To make them drink water they said “Co” and to separate them they said “Jhiri. ” To bring them from the water they said “Tiri tiri. ”
stambhayitvā mbhasas tī re go-saṅ khyā go-gaṇ ā n atha | sambhā lya sambhṛ tā nandā ḥ kṛ ta-snā nā dikā jaguḥ ||40|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Keeping the cows on the bank of the river, in great bliss, the boys bathed and then began singing.
prahā pitaṁ pratiś iś u mā tṛ bhis tadā subhojanaṁ surabhita-yojanaṁ mudā | hariḥ sakhī n pari pariveṣ ayan hasan parī kṣ itaṁ sakṛ d akṛ ta svajihvayā ||41|| [rucirā ]
When the mothers sent the boys lunch, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a joyfully served the savory items while smiling and sampling each item with his tongue.
[116] tataś cā caritā cā maḥ ś rī dā ma-dā ma-sudā ma-vasudā mā dibhiḥ saha karpū ra-pū rita-khapurā nukū la-svarṇ a-varṇ a-parṇ a-ś ubhratā vakī rṇ a-cū rṇ a-maya- tā mbū la-pū rṇ a-kapola-lola-kuṇ ḍ ala-maṇ ḍ anā nana-lakṣ mī kaś cakṣ ur-vijita-nā lī kaḥ svajanā valoka-nā bhī kaḥ ś rī la-gopā laḥ svā layā ya cacā la | yathā,
After washing his mouth, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a returned home with Ś rī dā ma, Dā ma, Sudā ma, Vasudā ma and others. He filled his cheeks with betel nut wrapped in golden leaves, mixed with camphor, sprinkled with powders which appeared like brilliant constellations. The beauty of his face was increased by his full cheeks touched by quivering earrings. With his two eyes, he conquered the beauty of a lotus. This sight gave joy to all his friends.
ś anaiḥ ś anaiḥ sarabhasam anya-vanyayā sa tarṇ ayan surabhi-tṛ ṇ ā ni saurabham | vraja-sthitā n prati virahā kulī bhavan bakā ntakaḥ praticalati sma taiḥ saha ||42|| [rucirā ]
While returning home, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a made the cows eat aromatic grass as they slowly passed through the forests in a joyful mood. Longing to see the people of Vraja, he moved forward with his friends.
vidhā ya gā gokula-sammukhī nā, mahā -taru-cchā yam upā sya kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ | devopadeva-stuti-gī ta-vā dyaṁ ś ṛ ṇ van muhuḥ prā pa taṭ aṁ vrajasya ||43|| [upajā ti]
Pointing the cows toward Gokula, taking shelter of huge trees, while listening to the music and songs of the devatā s and upadevatā s, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a approached the outskirts of Vraja.
gī r-vā ṇ air divya-yā naiḥ pathi pathi munibhir mantra-yogā di-siddhair gavyā bhir ghrā ṇ a-dṛ gbhis tad-anugata-narair dṛ ṣ ṭ i-deś e saradbhiḥ | goṣ ṭ ha-sthair unnata-sthaiḥ praṇ ihita-vadana-ś rī mayū khaḥ samantā n netrā bja-prā nta-lakṣ mī -kalita-sukha-kulaḥ pū rṇ a-veṇ ur viveś a ||44|| [srā gdharā ]
The devatā s in attractive airplanes, sages with siddhis through yoga or mantras, the cows through smelling and seeing, the boys accompanying him, and the people of Vraja standing on the roofs, all gazed upon the beauty of his face and experienced bliss on seeing the beauty of the edges of his lotus eyes. In this way, playing the flute, he entered Vraja.
hambā -rā vaḥ paś ū nā ṁ pramada-kala-kalaḥ pā ś upā lya-vrajā nā ṁ stotrā sā raḥ surā ṇ ā ṁ nigama-samudayā vṛ tti-ghoṣ as tv ṛ ṣ ī ṇ ā m | itthaṁ sā ṁ rā viṇ ā nta-vadhira-sama-daś ā m ā gate sarva-loke veṇ oḥ sū kṣ mo’pi nā daḥ sa jayati nitarā ṁ yaḥ samastaṁ bhinatti ||45|| [srā gdharā ]
The cows lowed, the cowherds shouted, the devatā s recited praises, and the sages chanted the Vedas. But the people seemed to have become deaf. The fine sound of the flute defeated all other sounds and became most attractive.
[117] atha vana-kula-gokulā bhyā ṁ mithaḥ sukham abhimukham ā gatayor mahatā ṁ samū hayor mahodadhi-tulyayoḥ saṅ gamaḥ saṁ vṛ ttaḥ; yathā nityam eva tathā nubhavinā m api divaukasā ṁ camatkṛ tir ajā yata; yatra ś rī -govinda eva svayam indavati sma, svayam eva ca veṇ u-ś ikṣ ayā dheṇ ū ḥ pṛ thak pṛ thag avā tastambhat |
From the forest and from the village people gathered in joy, like the merging of two great oceans. Though always experiencing this event, the devatā s were astonished, for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, appearing as beautiful as the moon, was able to control each cow by the instructions from his flute.
[118] tatra goṣ ṭ hā d bahir lambhita-muhur-upaṣ ṭ ambhā nā ṁ dohanā di-karmaṇ ā gavā ṁ tarṇ akā dī nā m api ś arma nirmā ya, dugdhā ya janā n puro vidhā ya, savayobhiḥ savayobhir ā vṛ tau sarveṣ ā ṁ madhya-vṛ ttau suvṛ ttau gopuram ā vrajantau gṛ hā ya vrajantau, svakula-yaś odā di-purandhrī -rā ji-nī rā jitau rā jitau lā jā dibhir abhivṛ ṣ ṭ au samam eva samasta-nayana-dṛ ṣ ṭ au, goṣ ṭ hā bhyantaraṁ praviṣ ṭ au samam eva nija-nija-preyasī -samā kṛ ṣ ṭ i-paṭ u-dṛ ṣ ṭ i-viś iṣ ṭ au nihata-danujau rā ma-rā mā nujau caraṇ a-mā rjana-vī janā dibhir viś aś ramatuḥ |
Preventing the cows from leaving the shed, keeping the people in front, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma stood surrounded by their friends in order to milk the cows and give pleasure to the cows and calves. Approaching the town gate in the middle of the crowd, when he made an attempt to go to his house, fame-giving Yaś odā and other women performed ā ratrika for the two boys and showered them with popped rice. As all watched, they entered the town. The two cleverly glanced about to attract the gopī s and relieved their fatigue by having their feet washed and being fanned.
[119] tatra kṣ aṇ a-katipayaṁ jananī -janita-lā lana-nirmā ṇ a-ś armā nubhū ya, snā na-dhā mani sambhū ya nija-sevā -kṛ j-jana-kā rita-majjanā dibhiḥ, suveś atayā vibhū ya, punar jananī -sanī ḍ am evā jagmatuḥ |