Switch up your activities.. Model inclusive behavior.. Build relationships.. Focus on the present.. Materialize the camp spirit.. Do not Segregate by Sex.. Scan for Inclusion.. Make Your Camp Yours.. Invite Everyone In.. Keep Everyone In.. Find SimilaritiSwitch up your activities. New activities help new campers and returning campers to feel equal. If you do the same activities you did last year, returning campers may separate from new campers.
Model inclusive behavior. Staff should interact with all other staff and all campers equally. Use icebreakers and teambuilding exercises to get to know everyone.
Build relationships. Bring campers and counselors together to share activities, stories, and jokes.
Focus on the present. Make sure that stories about past summers are shared with new campers in a way that includes them. Then, move from stories about the past to plans for the present.
Materialize the camp spirit. Have kids make songs, videos and projects to take home. These things will help them remember the inclusive camp feeling all year.
Do not Segregate by Sex. “All activities for everyone” is not only about disability.
Scan for Inclusion. If you see someone sitting by themselves, find a way to include them.
Make Your Camp Yours. Camp should feel like a special place where people can try new things.
Invite Everyone In. Make sure that late-arriving campers and new campers are welcomed. Returning campers can help!
Keep Everyone In. Avoid games where people are sent out from the game. Or, if they are sent out, have something for them to do to stay involved with the game.
Find Similarities. Group campers for games by things they have in common, such as favorite ice cream.
These small things can make a big difference!