What is Inclusion?. Creating a Culture of Inclusion. Give campers and staff nametags.What is Inclusion?
An inclusive camp means people of all abilities can participate. For example, instructions for games are given orally and visually. That way, people with different abilities can understand. Inclusion means everyonecan play and excel in every activity.
Becoming more inclusive is a planning strategy. The earlier you plan for differences, the better. Look at your camp schedule at the beginning of each week. Compare your activities to your campers and their needs. Has everyone been included? Here are some examples:
Do this: Let all campers choose their activitiesand makethem fun for everyone. Not this: Let campers without disabilities choose theiractivities, but make separate activities for children with disabilities.
Do this: Pair children with disabilities and without disabilities in an arts and crafts room. This way, everybody has a partner and can sit together; Not this: Put children with disabilities at a separate table in the arts and crafts room. Have counselors assist them.
Do this: Let all campers sit with their friends at the talent show. Have flexible seating with room for those who use wheelchairs; Not this: Have special seating for wheelchairs only at the front of the room. Creating a Culture of Inclusion
Every camp has its own culture. They have traditions, jokes, people, and places that make them special. You can make inclusion part of your camp culture. Give campers and staff nametags. Calling campers by name and teaching them others’ names makes them feel included.