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Prophets - Messengers of Allah

It outlines most of the events taking place in the world, starting with the creation of the worlds, the universe, the creation of life on earth, the creation of the first man, Adam and Eve, marked the beginning of mankind, and to the last day (the Hereafter), Yom Kippur (Kiyamat). And also all that people are prescribed and ordered to perform approved, permitted, good deeds, not to commit disapproved, unauthorized evil and harmful deeds. And so for people carrying out instructions of Allah and do good, and good deeds, and refrain from evil and harmful prohibited act - the day of judgment ugotovlena reward - life in Paradise. Well, for people who do not follow the orders of Allah, who do not do good and good deeds, but commit evil and harmful deeds, they are prepared to stay in Hell with eternal torment. Such is the shortcut of the life of people on Earth, regardless of rank and personality, state. What the soul has prepared is what it receives in justice. At the same time believe in Allah person (Mumin - Muslim) with the implementation of MOVEN to perform prayers prayer with water treatments are imbued with energy, and the prayer discipline Muslim and trains to perform good and good deeds and keeps from committing evil deeds and the abominations so that by the grace of Allah receives the reward in this world and in that world (Paradise).

In the Qur'an, Allah also requires the rich and wealthy people obligatory payment of zakat amounting to about 2. 5% of the income and assets, which has the benefit of not kretery powerful socially vulnerable people for various reasons are not able to feed themselves and their families.

Prophets - Messengers of Allah


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