Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!. Appeal to the peoples of the Earth about Peace, tranquility, prosperity. Man, do not be selfish, hypocritical, arrogant, get acquainted with this appeal! And take your decision . Before proceeding to the dissemination of uСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Appeal to the peoples of the Earth about Peace, tranquility, prosperity. Man, do not be selfish, hypocritical, arrogant, get acquainted with this appeal! And take your decision.. Before proceeding to the dissemination of useful suggestions on the exclusion from the life of mankind warrior every series, including the mighty occur Thermonuclear Warrior, as well as any military action in the international community, it would probably be useful to make a brief overview of the proposed subject matter, because in this direction will require a global scale changes in the life of the world community, the only way out of the impasse in which all the sides of the globe are in the matter of war and peace is the turn of the the orcs of mankind to the face of the Most High, the One, Everlasting God Allah - Taal, the only worthy generation. The greatness of Allah. (22) He is Allah, there is no deity other than him, holy, peaceful, faithful, knowing the hidden and contemplated. He is merciful, merciful. (23) He - Allah there is no deity except him, the king, the holy, peaceful faithful keeper, the great, mighty exalted praise of Allah above what he gives to his associates (24) He is Allah, the creator, the creator, the educator, he has the most beautiful names. Praise Allah is what is in the heavens and on earth. He is great, wise (Quran chapter 59 - assembly. ) Allah - He is the creator, the creator of the worlds of the universe in the heaven of all things and on earth. He has no shortcomings. For him there is no access - it is enough to say " Be! " And that will be. And everything that happens in the world he keeps in harmony. And all things are His, he is the Lord of the Worlds. The authenticity of the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an is descended by the command of Allah through the last Prophet - the Messenger of Allah is narrated in the name of Allah and is meant for the peoples of the whole World. In the Qur'an, there is a constant call to the world for worshiping only one Allah the One. And also a reminder to people that, he created genies and people only so that they worshiped only Him alone.