Types of participation at the conferenceTypes of participation at the conference Ø oral presentation Ø prerecorded video presentation Ø Skype presentation Ø audience
DEADLINES Registration Deadline(a registration form should be sent by e-mail conf-samgtu@bk. ru): March 1, 2020 Power Point Presentation Submission Deadline for an oral presentation: March 15, 2020 Video Submission Deadline for a prerecorded video presentation: April 1, 2020 Full Paper Submission Deadline (if publication in the journal is preferred): April 1, 2020
All Power Point Presentations will be peer-reviewed. Invitations for an oral presentation will be sent in case of a positive decision not later than March 20, 2020. Oral or Skype presentation format: Students prepare reports and PowerPoint presentations within the scope of the conference theme. The speech should be based on students’ own creative ideas or research. It should have a distinctive structure including introduction, main body and conclusion. Presentations can be made either individually or in the groups of 2-3 students. Language: English. Timing: 7 minutes.
Video presentation format: Students prepare creative videos to disclose their vision of the conference theme. The video can be taken either in formal or informal settings. It can be made individually or in the groups of 2-3 students. Language: English. Timing: 4 minutes.
The best oral and video presentations will be honored with I, II, III place awards. All members of the conference will get Certificates of Participation.
The proceedings of “Professional Skills for Global Communication in the Digitalized World” will be issued in June 2020 in the journal “Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. The Series: Psychology and Pedagogics”, which will be available electronically. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications (http: //vak. ed. gov. ru) and is indexed in the national information-analytical system RISC.
Scientific mentors of all participants are invited to publish their research on the topic in the proceedings of the conference, both individually and with their students. The suggested length of the paper is 8-15 pages. Languages of publication: English, Russian. Author Guidelines will be sent to you immediately after registration.
No fees are charged for participation or publication.