VIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE FOR STUDENTS “Professional Skills for Global Communication in the Digitalized World”
It is a great pleasure and an honor to invite you to take part in the VIII International Scientific Conference for Students “Professional Skills for Global Communication in the Digitalized World” that is going to be held on April 17, 2020 at Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia.
The conference is being organized by the Department of Linguistics, Cross-cultural Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language of Samara State Technical University in cooperation with the Department of Education of Samara City Administration and with extensive support of TAMUT, USA.
This event is for students (high school through college) interested in exploring current concepts and issues concerning globalization and digitalization in the modern world and their influence on the integration of an individual into professional community. Students will have an opportunity to share original ideas, compete in presentation skills, meet keynote speakers and discuss professional skills for a global career with top-level managers of multinational corporations.
This event will also offer professional development workshops for educators to discuss and outline strategies and methods to foster the development of professional communicative competences among students entering the global workforce.
We are seeking presentations that discuss:
• Business and professional skills for intercultural communication • communicative: “soft skills”, presentation skills, large and small group meeting facilitation, negotiation skills, etc. • technical and technological: “e-literacy”, facility with professional virtual communication networks and platforms (e-mails, virtual meetings, social networking and marketing, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. ) • rhetorical: knowledge of specific genres of speech, purposes and communicative tasks, knowledge of etiquette, etc. • cultural: competences of working across languages and national cultures • Managing diversity, including conflict resolution in a multicultural organization • Role of a national culture in multicultural business • Issues of organizational and corporate cultures in multicultural operations • Any of the above in connection with teaching and learning in a college classroom