


Случайная статья

a) true b) false  с) doesn’t say

a) true   b) false  с) doesn’t say

1) Chaplin was born more than 100 years ago.

2) He lived in London before he moved to the USA.

3) He was 35 when he got his first role.

4) He began to speak in his films in 50s.

5) Chaplin had his film company and was a very rich man.

6) He left the USA in 1977.

3. Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант.

1) Usually sweets are (eat / eating / eaten / ate) by children.

2) You should wake up (earlier / the most early / more early / earliest).

3) We (are invited / were inviting / are inviting / were invited) by our friends yesterday.

4) She made her brother (closed / close / closes / to close) the window.

5) I’ll be happy not to watch this (boring / bored / bore / boredom) film again.

6) They want (our / their / us / we) to walk with them.

7) We could (hard / hardly / harder / hardlier) see an old fortress on the hill.

4. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1) There is nothing (INTEREST) to watch on TV.

2) Our (TEACH) is very young.

3) Is Mark a (LUCK) boy?

4) (FRIEND) is the best thing in the world.

5) The Earth is (SAFE) now because there is a lot of pollution.

6) What are your (ACHIEVE) in charity?

5. Соотнесите предложения 1 - 6 и союзы a - f.

a) because    b) how    c) whose    d) which    e) what    f) who

1) I've no idea ___ he has become a professional sportsman.

2) Ivan Kulibin, ___ Russians are proud of, was a great inventor.

3) We're very concerned ___ greenhouse effect means.

4) It seems very exciting to visit the London Tube, ___ is a modern railway system.

5) My son has no problems with his friends ___ he likes to get together.

6) Arthur Conan Doyle, ___ character Sherlock Holmes is well-known, was born in 1859.

6. Представьте, что на двери вашей школьной библиотеки висит следующее объявление:


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