


Случайная статья


ENGLISH-7                                                                                                                 OVERALL


1. Дваждыпрослушайте радиовикторину об изобретениях и в каждом из случаев 1 – 7 выберите подходящий вариант для заполнения пропуска.

1) The first category was “Inventors and their __”.

a) inventing           b) inventions         c) invents

2) Galileo used his first telescope to study ______.         

a) planets                         b) stars               c) the sun

3) Bell invented the telephone in ____.                            

a) 1887               b) 1780               c) 1876

4) Benz invented the ______.      

a) phonograph            b) light                              c) automobile

5) The first automobile had _____ wheels.             

a) 2                      b) 3                     c) 5

6) The player has given _____ wrong answer(s).     

a) 1                      b) 2                     c) 3

7) The presenter asked about ____ centuries.  

a) 19 and 20            b) 18 and 19            c) 17 and 19

2. Прочитайте тексти определите истинность утверждений 1 – 6 после него. Свой ответ выберите из вариантов a – c.

A man from silent films

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in south London. His father died when he was a child, and the family didn't have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five.

After he joined Frank Karno's company, he went to the USA in 1914 and in his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood's early films. These were “silent films”, before the invention of cinema sound - the actors couldn't speak, but acted out their feelings in their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the role he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk.

With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company, and he started to direct his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on screen and he wrote the music for one of his last films, “Limelight”. Twenty-five years before his death in 1977, he had political problems in the USA and moved away to live in Switzerland. Most people still like his films today.


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