2a Match the headings (a–f) with the paragraphs (0–5). ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 2a Match the headings (a–f) with the paragraphs (0–5).
b An invitation c An active way of life d First impressions e Our routine f A healthy diet
2b Write the correct name: Laura, John, Matthew or Sophie. Who … didn’t like the hotel? John 1 writes the email? _______
2 liked the swimming pool in the hotel? _______
3 liked the hotel food? _______
4 does sport once a week? _______
5 does sport with a group? _______
6 doesn’t have a job? _______
7 misses English food? _______
8 doesn’t want to eat fresh food? _______
Writing A personal profile You have a personal profile web page. Write 80–100 words about you and your family. Include the following information:
Speaking 4a Part One Your teacher will ask you several questions about yourself to practise giving personal information. Answer the questions. Examples might be:
4b Part Two Your teacher will give you a card. Work in pairs and follow the instructions.