Chapter 31
I pad into the bedroom and find my cream, fitted dress spread out on the bed, with my nude heels and some fancy lace underwear that I don’t recognise. I frown to myself, picking up the unfamiliar bra and knickers set. He’s brought me underwear, and he’s brought me underwear in the right size? He really does think he can dictate my wardrobe. I thread my fingers over the pretty, delicate lace in a soft cream colour. It’s beautiful, but a bit over the top for work. I start going through my gym bag to find an alternative, but there’s no underwear to be found and no other option in the clothes department either. In fact, there are no other clothes at all, the sly sod. I resign myself to accepting my fate, getting myself ready and slipping into the underwear and dress that Jesse has decided I’m wearing today. I suppose I should be grateful that he’s not laid out my oversized, chunky knit jumper. I’m super relieved that he’s had the initiative to leave me a hairdryer, though. I apply my make-up, blow-dry my hair into a tousled, slightly messy mass, pile it up and make my way downstairs. I find Jesse at the kitchen island on his mobile, dunking his finger into a jar of peanut butter. He glances up at me, nearly knocking me off of my heels with his roguish smile. Oh yes, he’s super satisfied with himself. I run my eyes over his grey suited, black shirted physic and sigh in admiration. His dirty blonde hair has been ruffled with wax and set in a messy array to one side, and I’m super appreciative that he’s not shaved. He looks rugged and mind-bogglingly handsome. Why did I insist on going to work? ‘I’ll be there when I’ve dropped Ava at work. ’ He turns himself on the stool, cocking his head to the side. ‘Yes, tell Sarah I want it on my desk when I get there. ’ He pats his lap, and I make my way over, fighting the scowl from my face at the mention of her name. ‘We revoke his membership, simple. ’ I lower myself onto his knee, smiling when he buries himself in my neck and inhales deeply. ‘He can kick off all he likes, he’s gone, end of. ’ he spits harshly. What’s he on about? ‘Get Sarah to cancel it…yes…okay…see you in a bit. ’ He hangs up, tosses his phone on the worktop and snakes his arms under my knees to pull me up from floor and onto his lap, greeting me with a greedy, full on kiss. He moans into my mouth in pure satisfaction. ‘I like your dress. ’ he mumbles around my lips. He’s extra minty, mixed with a little peanut butter. I can’t stand peanut butter, but I love him and all this attentiveness, so I’ll ignore it. ‘You picked it. Of course you like it. What’s with the underwear? ’ He pecks my lips and puts me down. ‘I told you, always in lace. ’ He runs his eyes down my body. I don’t argue – a pointless exercise if ever there was one, and I’ve got it on now. ‘Breakfast? ’ he asks. I glance at the clock on the cooker. ‘I’ll grab something at the office. ’ I can’t be late. I grab my bag to get my pills. ‘Can I have some water? ’ ‘Knock yourself out, baby. ’ He returns to his jar of peanut butter. I walk over to the huge fridge-freezer, delving into the deepest depths of my bag. Where are they? I slap my bag onto the worktop next to the fridge, removing everything, but I find no pills. Please, not again. I’m hopeless. ‘What’s up? ’ he asks. ‘Nothing, ’ I mutter, dumping everything back into my bag. ‘Fuck. ’ I curse under my breath, but then mentally applaud myself for separating the packets and putting some in my underwear drawer. ‘Watch your mouth, Ava. ’ he rebukes me. ‘Come on, you’ll be late. ’ ‘Sorry, ’ I mutter. ‘This is your fault, Ward. ’ I swing my bag onto my shoulder. ‘Mine? ’ he blurts, all wide eyed. ‘What’s my fault and how? ’ ‘Nothing, but it’s your fault because you’re distracting me. ’ I accuse. He looks down at me, his lips twitching. ‘You love me distracting you. ’ I do as well. I can’t deny it. ‘I love waking up with you. ’ he says gently, reaching over and running his thumb across my bottom lip. I turn in my seat so I’m facing him. ‘I love waking up with you too. But I don’t like being run ragged at five in the morning. ’ My legs are really feeling it, and it’s only going to get worse. I didn’t stretch after the run because I was sidetracked by Mr Challenging and his challenging ways. My day is looking to be really uncomfortable with my nude heels to boot. ‘You would prefer to be fucked ragged? ’ He grins that roguish grin, running his palm down the front on my dress. Oh, no you don’t! ‘No, I prefer sleepy sex. ’ I correct him. I lean over, plant a chaste kiss on his mouth and get out of the car, leaving him and his frown line alone. I lean back in. ‘I’ll be seeing you tomorrow. Thank you for exhausting me before work. ’ I shut the door and start walking off on my abused legs in the most uncomfortable shoes I own. Thank God I’ve got a day in the office because I couldn’t be prancing around London in these beauties. My phone shouts at me from my bag. I pull it out.
‘Just get it fixed. ’ Tom soothes, rubbing her back. I look down, finding Victoria inspecting her thumb nail. I roll my eyes again. ‘I don’t have time today, ’ she cries. ‘This is a disaster! ’ She broke a flipping nail? The girl should have sought a career in stage school. But then I remember…she has a date with Drew tonight. Oh, this really is a disaster for Victoria. I make my way to my desk as she files down her broken nail, Tom continuing to rub her back. He looks up at me, making an equally dramatic give-me-strength gesture before virtually sprinting over to my side of the office. I know what’s coming. He plants his palms on my desk, leaning forward. ‘What was all that about? ’ ‘Shhhhhhh! ’ I scowl at him, looking over my shoulder into Patrick’s office. He’s not there, but he could be in the kitchen or the conference room. I should have known my gay, inquisitive friend would be picking my brain on Jesse’s shock visit to the office yesterday. In fact, I’m surprised he held out until this morning. Tom waves a dismissive hand. ‘He’s not here. Tell me! ’ I focus my attention on my computer, turning it on and faffing with the mouse. What do I tell him? I’ve fallen in love with a controlling, domineering, unreasonable, neurotic, trampling man, who happens to be a client and fucks me senseless? Oh, who also gives me the countdown when I disobey him? Yes, that about covers it. I look up and find Victoria’s joined the interrogation party. ‘He’s one hot S. O. B! ’ she sings. ‘S. O. B? ’ I frown. ‘Son of a bitch. ’ they say in unison. Oh? Yes, he’s that too. I smile to myself, stretching my legs under the table on a sigh. Oh, that feels good. ‘Don’t hold out on us! ’ Tom whines, executing the gayest pout I’ve ever seen. ‘I’m sleeping with him. ’ I shrug. I’m in love with him! They both look at me like I’ve sprouted horns, then at each other on an eye roll. Both sets of arms get folded across their chests as they stand before me. Tom looks over his fashion spectacles, and I glance over my desk to see if they’re tapping their feet as well. ‘Ava, we know that, ’ Tom huffs impatiently. ‘We just want to know if the rebound fucking has moved into more interesting territory. ’ He lowers his head further down, making me feel like I’m under a microscope. I am. I remove the fingers from my hair. ‘I could ask Drew. ’ Victoria chirps. ‘What? ’ I throw a filthy look in her direction when I realise what she means. ‘Victoria, I’m not in high school. I don’t need you picking his friends brain. Keep your mouth shut! ’ I sound really harsh, but I honestly cannot believe she has just suggested something so pathetic and immature. She looks at me all hurt and backs off, returning to her desk and her broken nail. Tom looks at me, disapproval written all over his face. I shake my head at him. I don’t care. She can be such a ditsy cow sometimes. ‘It’s sex, nothing more. ’ I inform him. ‘Now, leave me alone! ’ I grab my mouse and direct it aimlessly around my screen. ‘Hmmm, ’ he muses, leaving me at my desk in peace. ‘Just sex, my arse. ’ I hear him mutter. I gladly accept the cappuccino and muffin that lands on my desk, courtesy of Sally, and frown when I hear a commotion of car horns coming from outside the office. I look up, spotting a pink van double parked and Kate frantically waving to get my attention. I lift myself from my chair, groaning as my muscles scream in protest. I hiss on every step I take until I’m stood at the side of Margo Junior, smiling fondly at my fiery friend’s excited face. ‘Isn’t she pretty? ’ Kate lovingly caresses the steering wheel of Margo Junior. ‘Beautiful, ’ I agree, but then I remember something. ‘What are you playing at letting Sam have free reign on my underwear drawer? ’ ‘I couldn’t stop him! ’ Her voice is high pitched and defensive. It bloody well should be. ‘He’s a cheeky swine. ’ She grins. I’ve no doubt that he is. The thought instantly reminds me about the whole tying up charade. I’m tempted to ask Kate, but I quickly decide that I really don’t want to know. ‘How’s Jesse? ’ Her grin widens. ‘Fine, ’ I narrow my eyes on her. ‘You stayed there, ’ she says, her tone suggestive. ‘Have fun? ’ I scoff. ‘Well, I had a wild ride on a Ducati 1098, had daggers thrown at me by Sarah and ran nine miles this morning. ’ I reach down, rubbing my hands over my aching thighs. ‘Fuck, is she still at it? Tell her to take a leap. ’ She frowns. ‘You ran nine miles? Well, that stinks. And what the hell is a Ducatsiwhatevery? ’ ‘A superbike, ’ I shrug. I wouldn’t have known that myself a few days ago. ‘He’s deposited a hundred grand into the Rococo Union bank account. ’ ‘What? ’ she shrieks. ‘You heard. ’ ‘Why? ’ I shrug. ‘To keep Patrick quiet while he hogs me. He doesn’t want to share me. ’ ‘Wow! That man’s crazy. ’ I laugh. Yes, crazy man; crazy deluded; crazy rich; crazy challenging, crazy loveable… ‘Are we out tonight? ’ I ask. I’ve rebuffed crazy man on the assumption that Kate’s free. He can’t assume I’m there to fuck at his beck and call. It is very tempting, though. ‘Absolutely! Ask Victoria and Gayboy. ’ I sag in relief. ‘Victoria has a date with Drew, but I’ll ask Tom. Are you not seeing Sam then? He’s becoming a bit of a permanent fixture at your place. ’ I arch a brow. He’s actually a semi naked permanent fixture, but I don’t point that out. She’s going to play it off as fun. ‘It’s just a bit of fun. ’ she replies haughtily. I laugh at her casualness. I know different. We’re talking about the girl who hasn’t been on a second date for years. Sam’s cute. I can certainly see the appeal. A car starts honking its horn from behind Margo Junior. ‘Oh, fuck off! ’ Kate yells. ‘I’m off. I’ll see you at home later. You’re in charge of getting the wine. ’ The window starts to rise and she grins from ear to ear. I still can’t believe he brought her a van. I suddenly remember the deal I brokered in exchange for my clothes…no drinking tonight. Well, that’s rubbish because I’m looking forward to a glass or two. He’ll never know. Kate zooms off down the road, and I return to the office. ‘Patrick called, ’ Sally informs me as I pass her desk. ‘He’s not coming in at all today. He’s playing golf. ’ ‘Thanks, Sal. ’ I return to my desk, stretching my legs back out. Yes, I’m really feeling it now. Standing back up, I pull my heel up to my backside, letting out a long, grateful breath when my thigh muscle stretches most satisfyingly. My phone starts jumping around my desk and Placebo starts crooning about Running up that Hill. I don’t even have to look at the screen to know who it is. He has amazing taste in music. ‘I like. ’ I say, by way of greeting. ‘Me too. We’ll make love to it later. ’ ‘You’re not seeing me later. ’ I remind him again. He’s doing this on purpose. ‘I miss you. ’ I can’t see him, but I know he’s pouting. And as for the make love part…well, it’s a massive improvement on fucking. I smile, my heart performing jumping jacks in my chest. ‘You miss me? ’ ‘I do, I miss you. ’ he grumbles. I glance at my computer. It’s one o’clock. It’s not even been five hours since I left him. ‘Don’t go out tonight. ’ he says. It’s not a plea, it’s a demand. I flop back in my chair. I knew this was coming. ‘Don’t. ’ I warn, in the most assertive voice I can muster. ‘I’ve made plans. ’ ‘You know, you may be at work, but don’t think I won’t come down there and fuck some sense into you. ’ His voice is deadly serious and even a little angry. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t. Or could he? Bloody hell, I’m not even sure. ‘Knock yourself out. ’ I respond, very lightly. He laughs. ‘I was serious, lady. ’ ‘I know you were. ’ I’ve no doubt about it, but he will have to wait until tomorrow to do any sort of fucking. ‘Do your legs ache? ’ he asks, just as I’m stretching them under my desk again. ‘-ish, ’ I’m not giving him the satisfaction of knowing that I’m actually in pain. I’ll have a Radox bath before I go out. Hold up…was he trying to cripple me so I can’t go out? ‘-ish, ’ he replies, humour clear in his husky voice. ‘Remember our deal? ’ I roll my eyes to myself. I was kidding myself if I thought he would forget about his little deal. And now I’m certain he had me running a marathon at the break of dawn in an attempt to immobilise me. Control freak! ‘No reminder fuck required. ’ I mutter. He’ll never know. I’m not going to get so drunk that I have a raging hangover – it’s too soon after my last performance. ‘Watch your mouth, Ava. ’ he sighs, tiredly. ‘And I’ll decide when and if a reminder fuck is necessary. ’ He’s serious? I gape a little down the phone. Has he no sense of humour? I stand up again, pulling my thigh to my butt on a satisfied groan. Damn him and his break of dawn run. ‘Roger that. ’ I confirm with all the sarcasm it deserves. ‘When will I see you? ’ he sighs. ‘Tomorrow? ’ I really do want to see him, despite his challenging ways. ‘I’ll pick you up at eight. ’ Eight? It’s a Saturday, I want a lay in. Eight? I really won’t be getting drunk, not if Jesse is going to be rocking up at eight. ‘Noon, ’ I counter. ‘Eight. ’ ‘Eleven. ’ ‘Eight! ’ he barks. ‘You’re supposed to meet me half way! ’ The man is impossible. ‘I’ll see you at eight. ’ He hangs up, leaving me on one leg with my phone hanging from my ear. I look at my mobile disbelievingly. He can turn up at eight all he likes; I won’t be awake to let him in. And I seriously doubt Kate will be either. I sink my achy body back into my chair on a few sharp inhales of breath. I’m never running again. ‘Tom, ’ I call. ‘We’re out tonight, you coming? ’ He looks up with a dirty, great big grin on his baby face. ‘I shall decline graciously, ’ He bows his head like the gentleman I know he’s not. ‘I have a date! ’ ‘Another? ’ ‘I can’t come. I assume you were going to ask me. ’ Victoria huffs without looking up from her drawings. I don’t dignify her sarcasm with a response, flashing my screwed up face to her back instead. ‘Yes! This one is definitely a keeper. ’ Tom nods with the biggest smirk on his face. I leave Tom with his grin, returning to my computer. They’re all keepers. I walk through the front door, finding a half-naked Sam walking out of Kate’s workshop, followed by a fully dressed Kate with a highly satisfied smile on her face. ‘Seriously? ’ I splutter, as I try to direct my eyes anywhere, except on Sam’s fine physic. He blinds me with his ultimate cheeky grin and turns to face Kate, giving me a rear view of his bare back and baggy jeaned arse. It’s then that I notice a lump of cake mixture at the nape of his neck. ‘You missed a bit. ’ I point to the offending smear of mixture. Kate swivels Sam back around to face me and licks up the centre of his back towards his neck. He smirks at me. I laugh. What a pair of exhibitionists. Making my way up to the flat, I hiss at the stabbing pains travelling down my legs with every step I take. I go straight to the bathroom to run the bath, pouring in half the bottle of muscle relaxing bath soak. Then I take myself to the kitchen to take care of special requirement number two; I pour myself and Kate a glass of wine. I gasp my appreciation as I take my first sip. Five minutes later, I’m flinging every garment in my underwear drawer over my shoulder in a panic. ‘KATE! ’ I know I put them in here, so where the hell are they? If this is Sam’s idea of a joke, I’ll wring his fucking neck! Kate breezes into my room. ‘I’ve turned your bath off. What’s up? ’ ‘My pills, ’ ‘What about them? ’ ‘They’re gone, ’ I turn an accusing eye on her. ‘I can’t believe you let Sam in here. ’ Her eyes widen. ‘I didn’t let him in. And anyway, your pills weren’t in there. I would have seen them. ’ I let out a frustrated yell and proceed to turn the rest of my drawers inside out and upside down. I know I put them in here. ‘Shit! ’ ‘Chill out, you can get some more. Are Tom and Victoria coming? ’ I scoop up the contents of my underwear drawer and stuff it back in. ‘I already did that. And no, they both have dates. ’ ‘Your organisation skills are shocking. ’ she moans tiredly. She’s right, they are, but I manage fine at work. It’s the personal side of my life that suffers. ‘Oh, is it Victoria and Drew’s date tonight? ’ Kate looks at me with wide, blue eyes. ‘Yes! ’ I meet her wide eyes with my own. ‘It’ll never work. Hurry up in that bath, I need a shower. ’ I grab my wine and head for the bathroom. The water is glorious, and I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I shave everywhere, and then reluctantly pull myself out before downing my wine and brushing my teeth. ‘Half hour, ’ I confirm, opening my underwear drawer. ‘Cool. ’ She shuts the door. It opens again. ‘What? ’ I ask, without looking up from finding suitable underwear. Within two seconds flat, I’m grabbed, my towel is yanked from my body and I’m on my back atop the bed with a hulking male looming over me. WHOA! I’m completely disorientated and still clinging onto a pair of knickers that I was deliberating over. I don’t even have a chance to focus in on his face. His lips smash against mine, starting to work my mouth greedily. What the hell? There’s no chance to fight him off or ask what he’s doing here. He flips me onto my hands and knees, his fingers slide over my entrance – no doubt to check my readiness – before he undoes his flies and slams into me on a garbled yell. I cry out, getting a hand clamped over my mouth for my trouble. ‘Quiet. ’ he grates, through merciless pounds. Fucking hell! I’m completely helpless as he thrusts in and out with complete determination and purpose. The depth he’s hitting soon has my vision blurry, my head spinning with desperation and pleasure. His hand leaves my mouth, returning to my hips, pulling me back against each of his hard advances. ‘Jesse! ’ I yell desperately. He’s merciless. ‘I said, quiet! ’ he barks. As my pleasure builds and builds, I find myself pushing back against him. He groans on each thrust, powering forward at a mind blasting rate, colliding with my womb and sending me into a haze of shocked euphoria. I try to grab a pillow, but my disorientation has me grappling at nothing but sheets. I can’t find the strength to lift my head and use my eyes. I’m completely helpless. I feel his grip on me tighten, the tense and swell of him pounding into me is stretching me beyond comprehension. This is a possessive fuck. That’s what this is. Not that I’m bothered. I might be helpless and at his mercy, but I’m still going to have a mind-bending orgasm. His thrusts speed up and with one last pump and deep slow grind, I splitter straight down the middle, and I’m charged with a mind-blowing orgasm that has me burying my face in the mattress to stifle my scream of release. His horse cry echoes around the room as he joins me in my crazy bliss, collapsing on top of me, panting loud in my ear. He’s jerking and shuddering inside and all around me. That really was shock and awe. I’m completely depleted and grabbing at valuable air to give my lungs some relief. They’ve really been through the mill today. ‘Please, tell me that it’s you. ’ I pant, closing my eyes, soaking up the warmth of his body through his suit. He hasn’t even taken his jacket off. ‘It’s me. ’ he breathes, moving my hair from my back and skimming my bare skin with his tongue. I sigh happily, letting him nibble and lick me all over. ‘Don’t be having another shower. ’ he orders between tongue strokes. ‘Why? ’ I frown into the sheets. I won’t be, anyway – I haven’t got time. He withdraws, flipping me over and pinning my wrists on either side of my head. He gazes down at me, his styled hair of this morning now in disarray, but he looks no worse for it. ‘Because, I want me all over you when you’re out. ’ He drops his lips to mine. Ah, he’s trampled me. I was bang on the money. I should have known. Crazy man. He takes a whole other tactic with my mouth, swirling his tongue, humming into me and nibbling my lips. It’s a world away from the ferocious attack I’ve just sustained. ‘Do men have an instinct for recently fucked women? ’ I ask around his lips. ‘Mouth, ’ He pulls his face back, giving me a really disapproving look. ‘You’ve had a drink. ’ Oh, shit! ‘No. ’ I blurt guiltily. He looks at my wrists when he feels the tense of my natural reflex, then back at me with an arched brow. ‘No more. ’ he demands softly, giving me another lavish kiss. ‘I was hoping to find you in cream lace. ’ he hums through our joined mouths. I’m really glad I wasn’t. It would be in pieces on the floor by now, and I really like it. I might be buying me some more of those, perhaps in different colours. He releases one of my wrists, trailing his finger down my side, over my sensitive hips and to the juncture of my thighs. ‘You would have ruined it. ’ I gasp when he plunges two fingers into me. I’ve not even recovered from my last mind numbing climax, and I’m set to go on another. This man is seriously talented. ‘Probably, ’ he confirms as he circles me deeply, pushing his fingers as far as he can get them. ‘Hmmm. ’ I sigh in total satisfaction, tensing my legs underneath him. ‘Don’t be wearing anything ridiculous either. ’ I throw my hand out to grab his shoulder and pull him down to my mouth, but he won’t budge. He’s looking at me expectantly and I realise…he’s waiting for a confirmation that I understand his commands. ‘I won’t! ’ I cry desperately when he hits me with a delicious sweep of his thumb over my clitoris. ‘Are you going to come, Ava? ’ ‘Yes! ’ I yell at his face. Any moment now, I’m going to have an en-core to my previous release, and it’s going to be equally as satisfying and earth shattering. ‘Please! ’ He moves in closer, his lips as close to mine as they can be without touching. ‘Hmmm, that feel good, baby? ’ He pushes in deep and high, brushing my front wall. ‘Oh God! ’ I cry. ‘Jesse, please. ’ I lift my head to try and capture his lips, but he pulls back. ‘You want me? ’ I’m starting to burn, my legs tensing as he strokes between my swelling lips. ‘Yes. ’ ‘Do you want to please me, Ava? ’ ‘Yes. Jesse, please! ’ I cry. I’m completely stunned when he withdraws his fingers and rises from the bed. What? No! I’m on the cusp of falling over the edge, and just like that, my pending orgasm has disappeared, leaving me feeling like an unexploded bomb. ‘What are you doing? ’ I ask in my stunned state. ‘You want me to finish the job? ’ He cocks his head, tucking himself into his trousers. ‘Yes! ’ His eyes lock with mine. ‘Don’t go out. ’ ‘No! ’ He shrugs. ‘My work here is done. ’ He kisses the air, staring at me through his hooded, green pools, before he turns and walks out. I’m flat on my back, naked, feeling like I’ve been marked, and I’m desperate for release. I can’t believe he’s just done that. I know what that was. That was a failed sense fuck followed up by a failed finger tease. It’s a complete manipulation tactic. ‘I’ll sort myself out then! ’ I shout as the door slams behind him. I won’t. It would be nowhere near as satisfying if I do it myself. I huff, taking my naked body over to my underwear drawer to find my most racy set. Pink lace should do it. I slip it on and retrieve the posh boutique bag, smiling as I unfold the tissue paper that’s protecting the five hundred pound, ultimate taboo dress. She who laughs last, Mr Ward! I battle with the zip again, sort out my half-finished make-up and present myself to the mirror. I’m very pleased with myself. The cream, silk taboo dress looks damn good, my skin sun kissed, my eyes dark and smoky and my hair a mass of chocolate waves. I slip my feet into my cream Carvella stilettos and spritz myself with Calvin Klein’s Eternity. ‘Fucking hell! ’ Kate screeches. I turn to face her, finding her looking up and down my tight, silk clad body. ‘He’ll go mad! ’ I scoff. ‘The Lord of the Manor can fuck right off! ’ Kate laughs. ‘Oh, you are feeling brave. I love it! ’ She walks in, looking her usual stunning self, in a vivid green dress and navy heels. ‘What did he do to deserve this? ’ ‘He left me pre-orgasm after failing to fuck some sense into me. ’ I toss it out there casually. I can’t believe I just admitted that. Kate falls onto the bed in a helpless heap of laughter. I can’t help but laugh with her. I suppose it is quite funny. ‘God love him, ’ she splutters through her hysteria. ‘I’m glad I’m not the only one enjoying the best sex I’ve ever had. ’ She wipes the laughter tears from under her eyes. I’m not at all surprised to hear that – not at all. Sam isn’t walking around her apartment, semi-naked and with that dirty grin on his face, because she’s making him lots of cakes. ‘He has me in knots. ’ I shake my head, returning to the mirror to apply my nude lipstick. ‘Have we figured out how old he is yet? ’ Kate picks up my bronzer brush to give her pale cheeks an extra dusting. ‘No idea. It’s a no go subject, just like the scar on his stomach. ’ She pinches her cheeks. ‘Does it matter? And what scar? ’ ‘No, it doesn’t. And the scar is quite a nasty affair from here to here. ’ I run my finger from the middle of my lower stomach to my hip bone. She looks at me in the reflection of the mirror. ‘You’re in love with him. ’ ‘Crazily, ’ I admit.