Love poetry*** May I print a kiss on your lips? I said And she nodded her full permission So we went to press and I rather guess We printed a full edition Joseph Lihenthat
The Power of Love Across the gateway of my heart I wrote «No thoroughfare» But love came laughing by and cried «I enter everywhere » Herbert Shiman
Jenny kissed me Jenny kissed me when we met Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief! Who love to set Sweets into your list, put that in: Say I'm weary, say I'm sad. Say that health and wealth have missed me, Say I'm growing old, but add – Jenny kissed me! Lrigh Hunt
Always merry an April girl Praise the spells and bless the charms, I found April in my arms. April golden, April cloudy. Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy, April soft in flowered languor, April cold with sudden anger, Ever changing, ever true – I love April. I love you. Ogden Nash
At First Sight Should I speak unthinkingly, Rashly, outwardly Or look, wordlessly? Move determinedly Or wait patiently? She sighs slightly? I turn anxiously. She sits quietly Smiling distantly. Either lie, passionately, Or not lie, fruitlessly, I pause, two-mindedly. To love wishfully, Blindly, entirely, Self-transformingly; Or to stay truthfully In doubt, wishfully, Doomed to reality. Her face, held beautifully, Looks at me questioningly. I watch her, wonderingly To love recklessly, Hazarding certainty, Loosing identity; Or to feel warily – Vows made conditionally, Words weighted carefully? She looks up suddenly, Her eyes speaking clearly My thought, completely. Poised unbelievably, We touch magically, And light strikes, blindingly. Alastair Reid To my Valentine More than a catbird hates a cat, Or a criminal hates clue, Or Axis hates the United States, That's how much I love you. I love you more than a duck can swim, And more a grapefruit squirts, I love you more than gin rummy is bore, And more than a toothache hurts. As a shipwrecked sailor hates the sea, Or a juggler hates a shove, As a hostess detests unexpected guests, That's how much I love you. I love you more than a wasp can sting, And more than subway jerks, I love you as much as beggar needs a crutch And more than a hangnail irks. I swear to you by the stars above, And bellow, if such there be, As the High Court loathes perjuries oaths, That's how much I love you. Ogden Nash The Look Stephan kissed me in the spring, Robin in the fall, But Colin only looked at me And never kissed at all. Stephan's kiss was lost in jest, Robin's lost in play But the kiss in Colin's eyes Haunts me night and day. Sara Teasdate Bargain I'd gladly lose me to find you. I'd gladly give up all I had To find you. I'd suffer anything And be glad. I'd pay any price just to get you. I'd work all my live and I will To win you, I'd stand naked, Stoned and stabbed. I'd call that a bargain The best I ever had. The best I ever had. I'd gladly lose me to find you. I'd gladly give up all I got To catch you. I'm gonna run And never stop. I'd pay any price just to win you. Surrender my good life bad. To find you. I'm gonna drown An unsung man I'd call that a bargain The best I ever had. The best I ever had. I sit looking round. I look at the face in the mirror. I know I'm worth nothing Without you, And like one and one Don't make two; One and one make one, And I'm looking for Your free ride to me… I'm looking for you. Pete Townshend Good night Good night? Ah! no; the hour is ill Which serves those it should unite, Let us remain together still Then it will be good night. How can I call the lone night good, Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight? Be it not said, thought, understood, Then it will be good night. To hearts which hear each other move From evening close to morning light, The night is good because, my love, They never say good-night. Percy Bysshe Shelley Night The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has thousand eyes And the heart but one; Yet the light of a whole life dies, When love is done. Francis Wiffiam Bourdillon Destiny Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours For one lone soul another lonely soul, Each choosing each through all the weary hours And meeting strangely at one sudden goal. Then blend they, like green lives with golden flowers Into one beautiful and perfect whole; And life's long night is ended and a way Lies open onward to eternal day. Edwin Arnold
“Some say kissing is a sin, but if it was na lawful, lawyers would na allow it; If it was na holy, ministers would na do it; If it was na modest, maidens would na take it; If it was na plenty, puir folk would na get it. ” Robert Burns
*** Speak to me with your hands Speak to me with your eyes... White in the reeds the swan sings An hour before it dies. Speak to me with your heart And your simple breath... The cactus blooms in dessert An hour before its death. Over the dark water Flies the returning dove Holding the morning in its beak Speak to me with your love John Smith The fountains mingle with the river And the rivers with the ocean The Winds of Heaven mix forever With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divine In one spirit meet and mingle Why not I with thine? See the mountains kiss high Heaven And the waves clasp one another; No sister-flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth And the moonbeams kiss the sea: What is all this sweet work worth If thou kiss not me? Percy Bysshe Shelly