A Package of Test Questions. Variant 30.
(Yu. S. Kravchenko L. R. Petrenko)
National Agricultural University
Department of Soil Science & Soil Conservation
Faculty of Ecology and Biotechnology
Speciality: 6. 070800 “Ecology and Environmental Conservation”
Form of tuition: Daytime Students
Semester: 3, Second Year of Study
Discipline: Soil science
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Y. S. Kravchenko
Instructor: PhD, Associate Professor L. R. Petrenko
Approved by the Department Head:
______________________Professor A. D. Balayev
A Package of Test Questions. Variant 30.
| Question 1. Which are most widespread primary minerals of soils?
| |
| Question 6. Which soil characteristics are needed to compute the total porosity of the soil?
| 1.
| Quarts, feldspars, hornblende, and micas
| | 1.
| Physical clay content
| 2.
| Calcite, dolomite, hematite, and gypsum
| | 2.
| Penetrometer resistance
| 3.
| Olivine, illite, and smectite
| | 3.
| SOM content
| Halite, sylvite, and kaolinite
| | 4.
| Balk density and particle density of the soil
| Question 2. The hardness of gypsum by the Mohs’ scale is:
| |
| Question 7. Available water is within the range of:
| 1.
| | 1.
| PWP & FC
| 2.
| | 2.
| Capillary capacity & FC
| 3.
| | 3.
| Adhesive water content & PWP
| | 4.
| Absolutely soil and adhesive water content
| Question 3. Which of the following minerals are primary?
| |
| Question 8. Acid soil’s requirement of liming is determined by:
| sulfur, magnetite, illite
| | 1.
| the CEC
| quartz, orthoclase and illite
| | 2.
| the acidity of soil solution
| gypsum, halite and hematite
| | 3.
| pH KCl and PBS
| saltpeter, limestone and kaolinite
| | 4.
| the active acidity of the soil
| Question 4. SOM losses in the Steppe zone of Ukraine are about (mt/ha, yr):
| |
| Question 9. Percentage Base Saturation (PBS) is not determined in:
| 0. 4
| | 1.
| acid soils
| 0. 8
| 2.
| soils saturated with bases
| 0. 6
| 3.
| podzolized soil
| 0. 1
| soddy-podzolic soils
| Question 5. Sandy soil’s resistance to tillage(kg/cm2) is in the range of:
| |
| Question 10. Total porosity of the soils is determined by:
| 1.
| 0, 50
| | 1.
| the SOM content
| 2.
| 0. 20
| | 2.
| TDS content
| 3.
| 0. 40
| | 3.
| the bulk and solid phase density of the soil
| 4.
| 0. 80
| | 4.
| soil depth
| Question 11. Hydrolitic acidity is not determined in:
| |
| Question 18. Which of the fallowing are the most widespread parent materials in the Forest zone?
| acid soils
| |
| Loess
| calcareous soils
| |
| Limestones
| podzolized chernozems
| |
| Moraine
| soils unsaturated with bases
| |
| Glacio - fluvial deposits
| Question 12. Acid soil requirement in liming is determined by:
| |
| Question 19. The Soil’s need in liming is determined by:
| The CEC
| |
| The acidity of soil solution
| |
| pH KCl and BSP
| |
| The balk density of the soil
| pH H2O
| |
| The particle density of the soil
| Question 13. As a result of soil erosion, Ukrainian plowland annually loses:
| |
| Question 20. Agronomically important soil aggregates include the following size group(mm):
| 100 mt/ha of soil
| |
| Over 10
| 10 -//-
| |
| Over 20
| 15 -//-
| |
| From 10 to 0. 25
| 5 -//-
| |
| From 10 to 20
| Question 14. Salt – affected soils in Ukraine occupy an area of:
| |
| Question 21. Type of grey forest soils is typical for:
| Over 5 mln ha
| |
| The Polissya zone
| Over 15 -//-
| |
| The Steppe zone
| Below 3 -//-
| |
| The Arid Steppe zone
| Below 2 -//-
| |
| The Forest – Steppe zone
| Question 15. The most soil exposure for erosion is produced by:
| |
| Question 22. What kind of soil acidity is determined using 1N KCl?
| Perennial grasses
| |
| Active
| Annual grasses
| |
| Actual
| Small grain crops
| |
| Exchangeable
| Summer fallow
| |
| Total
| Question 16. In soils, unsaturated with exchangeable bases:
| |
| Question 23. Soil extract analysis allows to determine:
| pH KCl < pH H2O
| |
| Active soil alkalinity
| pH KCl = pH H2O
| |
| Total soil acidity
| pH KCl > pH H2O
| |
| Total soil alkalinity
| pH KCl = 0. 5 pH H2O
| |
| Soil buffering capacity
| Question 17. Which are the main producers in soil ecology?
| |
| Question 24. The number of soil textural groups in Kachinsky’s classification is:
| 1.
| Bacteria
| |
| 2.
| Minerals in the soil
| |
| 3.
| Fungi
| |
| 4.
| Green plants
| |
| Question 25. Name the salt - resistant plants on saline soils:
| Hydrophytes
| Halophytes
| Vegetable crops
| Straw berries
| Question 26. Cation exchange capacity of organic soil colloids:
| Decreases with increasing pH
| Increases with increasing pH
| Is not pH –dependent
| May increase or decrease depending on SOM + type.
| Question 27. Which of the following practices maybe nuked by saline soils?
| Deep plowing
| Subsoiling
| Application of gypsum
| Leaching
| Question 28. Salt-affected soils in Ukraine are encountered on the area of:
| Over 20 mln ha;
| Over 10 -//-
| Over 5 -//-
| 3 -//-
| Question 29. Which of the following soils belong to the class of azonal ones?
| Podzolic soils
| Ordinary chernozems
| Sodic soils
| Chestnut soils
| Question 30. The type of grey forest soils is typical for:
| the Forest zone
| the Chernozemic Steppe zone (sub zone)
| the Arid Steppe zone
| the Forest-Steppe zone