Petr Klimuk ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
Petr Klimuk was born in the village of Komarovka, Brest region. After graduating from high school, he entered the school of initial training of pilots, and then became a cadet of the Chernihiv flight school. Petr Klimuk made his flight on December 18, 1973. During the flight, the crew conducted various astrophysical studies. The duration of staing in space was 7 days 20 hours 55 minutes 35 seconds. Petr Klimuk spent 78 days 18 hours 18 minutes 42 seconds into the space.
And this is not all the natives of Brest, who became wellknown, but only a list of those who seemed to us are the most interesting. Among the natives of Brest there are also many heroes of the Great Patriotic war, officers of the War in Afghanistan. Therefore, Brest residents really have someone to be proud of.
September 2019(№4)____________________________________School Poll (10) We asked our students about their favorite places in this wonderful city. Here are our results.
Anastasiya Bekmirova, form 10 “ B”
September2019(№4)___________________________________School Quiz (11)
1. The date when Brest was founded is: a) 1069; b) 1019; c) 1054.
2. City population is: a) ~350000 people b) 1 million people; c) ~520000 people
3. What is the name of the main street of the city? a) Prospect Masherova; b) Partisan Avenue; c) Prospectus of the Republic.
a) cinema " Belarus"; b) Brest Millennium Monument; c) " Brest Hero Fortress"
a) In Russia; b) In Poland; c) In France.
6. What is there on the coat of arms of the city? a) Bow; b) Ears of wheat; September 2019(№4)___________________________________School Quiz (11) c) Ship.
a) red and white; b) white and blue; c) blue and red.
Check yourself: ( b, a, a, c, c, a, b)
Darya Gornovskaya, form 10 “B”
September 2019(№4)_________________________________Hot interview (12) YOU'RE SUPER!
In March of this year, a new season of the international project " You are super! " started. One of the representatives of our wonderful country Belarus was Vera Yaroshik. It was very interesting for us to interview her.
I would like to note that Vera is a very open and sensitive person. At first, we asked Vera to tell us a little about herself.
Vera was born in Brest. She does not hide the fact that she was brought up in an orphanage until the 11th graduating class. At the moment Vera lives in a beautiful and loving family together with her older brother. Also recently, she has become a double sister: Vera’s brother Danik was born some months ago. " I like to watch how he is growing and developing. I often visit him".
Since her childhood she paid great attention to music. She sings, attends music schools and develops her musical abilities. Vera started singing at the age of three.
When we asked her about the project Vera said the following information: " I learned about the launch of the project by chance, from friends. I wanted to to participate, and I decided to ask our director about it. I was refused. The director of our orphanage thought I should spend more time at school. They chose me on Skype that was extremely unexpectedly for me. ” - Do people recognize you in the streets? " I am recognized, approached, photographed, but not often.
Vera believes that her life has changed. The project has radically changed her life.
Vera likes coffee, however, sometimes she drinks some red tea. She loves animals very much, the cats of the British breed.
Vera wants to visit Dubai, the USA and England.
September 2019(№4)_________________________________Hot interview (13) The girl does not welcome heels in her wardrobe. She prefers baggy oversize clothes, as well as a combination of classics and sports. Her favorite movie is " The notebook" and color is yellow because it cheers up.
Vera loves Italian food. When we asked about her favorite dish, Vera said that prefers pasta " Carbonara" , burgers and chips. Her favorite number-4. The girl believes, that 4 is a " figure on love. " Vera’s favorite music performers are Ariana Grande, Beyonce. Finally, Vera wished good luck to her peers, who also want to get on the " big stage". She says not to give up, not to turn away from the path, to go only forward to your dream. " Every day, take small steps, and everything will work out! »